Difference between Web Browser and Web Server

For International Network communication, we require a web browser and web servers. Web browsers and servers play an important role in establishing the connection. The client sends requests for web documents or services. The message that goes from the web browser to the web server is known as an HTTP request. When the web server receives the request, it searches its stores to find the appropriate page. If the web server can locate the page, it parcels up to the HTML contained within (using some transport layer protocol), addresses these parcels to the browser (using HTTP), and transmits them back across the network. If the web server is unable to find the requested page, it sends a page containing an error message (i.e. Error 404 – page not found) and it parcels up to the dispatches that page to the browser. This message received by the web browser by the server is called the HTTP response. The main differences between the Web browser and web servers are:

S. No. Parameters Web Browser Web Server
1. Basics Web Browser is an Application program that displays a World wide web document. It usually uses the internet service to access the document. A web server is a program or the computer that provide services to other programs called client.
2. Function The Web browser requests the server for the web documents and services. The Web server accepts, approves, and responds to the request made by the web browser for a web document or service.
3. Responsibility A web browser is a programme that uses websites to search the internet for information.  The web server is responsible for connecting websites and web browsers.
4. Interface The web browser acts as an interface between the server and the client and displays a web document to the client. The web server is a software or a system which maintain the web applications, generate response and accept clients data.
5. Components of architecture Components of web browser architecture- a controller, client program, and interpreters. Components of web server architecture- hardware, operating system software, and Web server software.
6. HTTP request and response The web browser sends an HTTP request and gets an HTTP response. The web server gets HTTP requests and sends HTTP responses.
7. Processing Model Doesn’t exist any processing model for the web browser. There exist three types of processing models for web servers i.e Process-based, Thread based, and Hybrid.
8. Storing data Web browser stores the cookies for different websites. Web servers provide an area to store and organize the pages of the website.
9. Installation The web browser is installed on the client’s computer. The web server can be a remote machine placed on the other side of your network or even on the other end of the globe, or it is your very own personal computer at home.
10. Examples Examples of Web browsers are Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. An example of a Web Server is Apache Server.

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