Difference Between Void and Non Void Methods in Java

The method in Java or Methods of Java is a collection of statements that perform some specific task and return the result to the caller. Every method has a return type that can be differentiated between void and non-void. In this article, we will learn about void and non-void methods.

Void Methods in Java

The void method is a method that does not return any value. It is used to perform some action or operation but does not return any data.


public void methodName(parameter1, parameter2, …)
// body of the method
// do some operations here
// …

Example of Java void Method


// Java Program to demonstrate
// Void Method in Java
import java.io.*;
public class Example {
    // void method that takes a string as input and prints
    // it to the console
    public static void printString(String input)
    // main method that calls the printString method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // call the printString method with "Hello, World!"
        // as the input
        printString("Hello, World!");


Hello, World!

Non-Void Methods in Java

The non-void method is a method that returns a value of a specific data type.It is used to the perform some calculation or operation and return.

Syntax of Java Non-Void

access_modifier return_type method_name(parameter_list)
// method body
return value;

Example of Non Void Methods


// Java Program to Demonstrate
// Non Void Methods in Java
import java.io.*;
public class Example {
    // non-void method that takes two integers as input and
    // returns their sum
    public static int addNumbers(int num1, int num2)
        int sum = num1 + num2;
        return sum;
    // main method that calls the addNumbers method and
    // prints the result
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // call the addNumbers method with 5 and 7 as the
        // inputs
        int result = addNumbers(5, 9);
        System.out.println("The sum of 5 and 9 is: "
                           + result);


The sum of 5 and 9 is: 14

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