Difference between Till and Until

Till and Until are two commonly used words in English that are often used interchangeably. They are both used to indicate the duration of time or a point in time. However, they have slight differences in their meanings and usage, which we will explore in this article.

Till vs Until

Definition of Till

Till is a conjunction that means up to the time of or before a certain point in time. It is also used to indicate the duration of time leading up to a particular moment.

Usage of Till

  • Till is used in informal contexts
  • Used to refer to the time that has passed up to a specific point in time.
  • Used with specific times or events and can be used in a variety of tenses.

Examples of Till

  • The store is open till 10 pm.
  • She stayed in bed till noon.
  • Wait till later.
  • Study till midnight.
  • Open till 9 p.m.
  • Sleep till morning.
  • Play games till dark.
  • Work till lunchtime.
  • Talk till he arrives

Definition of Until:

Until is also a conjunction, and it means up to the time or event that is mentioned. It is used to indicate the duration of time leading up to a particular event or moment in time.

Usage of Until:

  • Until is a more formal word than till and is used in formal contexts.
  • Used to describe the time leading up to an event or moment in time.
  • Usually used with a specific event or moment in mind and is not used with a general reference to time.

Examples of Until

  • She will wait until he comes back.
  • The party will continue until midnight.
  • Can’t leave until done.
  • Wait here until called.
  • Party until midnight.
  • Store closed until notice.
  • Don’t quit until success.
  • No entry until cleared.
  • Road closed until finished

Differences between Till and Until





Refers to time leading up to a moment

Refers to time leading up to an event or moment

Can be used with specific times or events

Used with a specific event or moment

Used in a variety of tenses

Used in a specific tense

More casual in tone

More formal in tone

Used in spoken language

Used in written language

Can be used with general time references

Cannot be used with general time references

Can be used to indicate both duration and limit of time Primarily

Used to indicate duration of time

Can be used interchangeably with until in some cases

Cannot be used interchangeably with till

Does not require a specific endpoint

Requires a specific endpoint

Can be used with negative constructions Can be used with negative constructions

Can be used with negative constructions Can be used with negative constructions

Can be used with imperative constructions Cannot be used with imperative constructions

Can be used with imperative constructions Cannot be used with imperative constructions

Can be used to suggest ongoing action Cannot be used to suggest ongoing action

Can be used to suggest ongoing action Cannot be used to suggest ongoing action

Can be used with non-finite verb forms Cannot be used with non-finite verb forms

Can be used with non-finite verb forms Cannot be used with non-finite verb forms


In conclusion, Till and Until are two conjunctions that are commonly used to indicate the duration of time leading up to a specific point in time. While they are often used interchangeably, they have differences in their meanings and usage. Till is informal and can be used with specific times or events, while Until is formal and is used with a specific event

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