Difference between the Characteristics of Hydro Power and Thermal Power

Thermal power refers to the conventional sources of energy whereas hydroelectricity refers to the non-conventional sources of energy and both of them produce electricity with different mediums. Thermal energy is mostly produced with the help of coal, petroleum, and natural gas, whereas hydroelectricity is generated from the force of falling water, which rotates the turbine in a hydel power station.

Thermal Power vs Hydro Power

Hydro Power

Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, is a sustainable wellspring of energy that creates power by utilizing a dam or redirection construction to change the normal progression of a stream or other waterway. Hydropower depends on the unending, continually re-energizing arrangement of the water cycle to deliver power, utilizing a fuel — water — that isn’t decreased or disposed of simultaneously. There are many sorts of hydropower offices, however, they are completely controlled by the motor energy of streaming water as it moves downstream. Hydropower uses turbines and generators to change over that dynamic energy into power, which is then taken care of into the electrical matrix to drive homes, organizations, and businesses.

Hydro-power is the energy outfit from running water streams, streams, or some other counterfeit or regular water stream. It is one of the most seasoned strategies for energy creation. Indeed, even in the archaic period, individuals used to get energy from water wheels. The commitment of hydel power to the planet’s en­ergy creation situation is colossal and consistently expanding.

Hydro-power presently contributes almost 7% of worldwide power creation when just 15.3 percent of the worldwide exploitable hydroelectric potential is being utilized. Consistently expanding consciousness of nature and social expenses of hydro-plant development neglected to suspend the increas­ing utilization of hydro-power. Hydropower plants are generally based on streams, and frequently use structures called dams to gather or control the passing water. The water streams into the dam and goes through a turning generator. The generator utilizes the water’s dynamic energy, or energy of movement, to create power. That power is passed into electrical cables and utilized for a wide range of things, such as lighting streetlights and controlling computer games. The water keeps on streaming out of the dam and down the waterway.

A hydroelectric dam catches energy from moving water and uses it to deliver power. Building a dam along the stream makes water back up behind it, shaping a man-made lake called a supply. Water is permitted through the dam through mechanized spillways. Some hydropower plants are called run-of-stream plants, implying that they don’t make water back up behind them. A part of the waterway or stream is directed through a more modest power plant and later rejoins the waterway.

Plan of Hydropower Plants

The plans for hydropower plants are as follows:

  • Capacity System: The capacity framework utilizes a dam. The dam eases back the progression of a stream and saves water in a lake. A part of the water is delivered into the stream at the lower part of the dam. The fall of the water, and the water tension from the lake, powers the water through the dam and twists turbine generators. Dams are costly to construct, however, they likewise assist with controlling flooding, can make an enormous sporting lake, and can give new water to encompassing towns.
  • Run-of-the-waterway System: In a run-of-the-stream framework, the turbines are turned by the regular progression of the waterway. These frameworks enjoy the benefit of not making a gigantic lake and flooding the region over the dam. Accordingly, the overall effect on the climate. Be that as it may, to give consistent power, the waterway they utilize should remain full over time, as the stream isn’t managed by a dam.
  • Siphoned Storage System: This framework resembles the capacity framework aside from it utilizes siphons to siphon utilized water back up into the supply. The way this works is that during the evening, when power use is substantially less, it utilizes the additional power to siphon the water back up to the highest point of the dam and the top of the repository. This works on the general effectiveness of the hydropower plant.

Thermal power

Nuclear energy stations are one of the fundamental wellsprings of power in both industrialized and non-industrial nations. These plants have drawn fire on the utilization of non-sustainable wellsprings of energy at a fast rate and furthermore, since they discharge tremendous measures of ozone-depleting substances into the climate. The counter-ozone-depleting substance activists are calling for nuclear energy to be supplanted by other cleaner wellsprings of energy.

Working on a nuclear energy station

In a nuclear energy station, one coal, oil, or flammable gas is utilized to warm the kettle to change over the water into steam. The steam is utilized to turn a turbine, which is associated with a generator. At the point when the turbine turns, power is created and given as a result by the generator, which is then provided to the purchasers through high-voltage electrical cables.

The point-by-point cycle of force age in a nuclear energy station

Water consumption: Firstly, water is taken into the kettle through a water source. On the off chance that water is accessible in a lot in the locale, the source is an open lake or stream. On the off chance that water is scant, it is reused and similar water is utilized again and again.

Boiler warming

The evaporator is warmed with the assistance of oil, coal, or gaseous petrol. A heater is utilized to warm the fuel and supply the intensity delivered to the evaporator. The expansion in temperature helps in the change of water into steam.

Steam Turbine

The steam created in the heater is sent through a steam turbine. The turbine has sharp edges that pivot when high-speed steam streams across them. This pivot of the turbine’s sharp edges is utilized to produce power.


A generator is associated with a steam turbine. At the point when the turbine turns, the generator produces power which is then given to the power appropriation frameworks.

Special mountings

There is some other hardware like the economizer and air pre-warmer. An economizer utilizes the intensity from the exhaust gases to warm the feed water. An air pre-radiator warms the air sent into the burning

Differentiate between Hydel Power and Thermal Power

Thermal Power 

Hydel Power

Nuclear energy is that power that is produced by consuming petroleum products and nuclear minerals. Coal, flammable gas, petrol, thorium, radium, and so on.

Hydel power is created by utilizing water to move turbines. Water is the main source.

Petroleum derivatives and nuclear minerals are expendable assets. Thus nuclear energy may not be proceeding to be created routinely in the future to come.

Water is a limitless asset. Consequently, we will continue producing hydel power till the time the sun and seas are available in the universe.

Its stock is dubious.

Its stock is lasting.

The steam moves the setting turbine to deliver nuclear energy, water is likewise expected to make steam.

The strain of water is straightforwardly used to move turbines to deliver hydel power.

It is costly. 

It is modest.

Nuclear energy plants cause air and sound contamination.

There is no contamination brought about by hydel power stations.

Nuclear energy plants can be worked far away from the wellspring of petroleum derivatives and nuclear minerals.

It is vital to all-out setting turbine set up hydel power stations on the waterways.

The all-out introduced limit of nuclear energy in the nation was 6200 crore kilowatts in 1996-97.

The all-out introduced limit of hydel power in India was 2170 crore kilowatts in 1996-97.

It causes pollution. 

It doesn’t cause contamination.

High support and fixed cost

Less support and fixed cost

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q 1. What is the difference between hydropower and hydro energy?


Hydroelectric energy which is also known as hydroelectricity, is a form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion for the generation of electricity.

Q 2. What is the difference between thermal and power stations?


A power generating station refers to the conversion of heat energy from coal combustion into electricity which is known as a thermal plant. A power generation that converts nuclear energy into electricity is called nuclear power plant.

Q 3. What is the advantage of hydel power over thermal power?


The advantage of hydel power over thermal power is that it requires no fuel as water is used for the generation of electricity. It is neat and clean as no smoke is emitted.

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