Difference Between Terraform Vs Ansible

Pre-requisite: Terraform and Ansible

Tools like Terraform and Ansible have gained popularity as businesses continue to adopt infrastructure as code (IaC) techniques and embrace cloud computing. Both tools serve similar purposes, but they take different techniques and have other functionalities. Ansible is a powerful automation engine that makes configuration management and application deployment easier, whereas Terraform is a tool for building, updating, and versioning infrastructure safely and effectively. In order to assist you to choose which tool is most appropriate for your infrastructure management needs, in this article we will compare Terraform and Ansible and examine their similarities, differences, and strengths and drawbacks.

What is Terraform?

Terraform is an open-source tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely and efficiently. As an Infrastructure as code (IAC) tool, it enables users to manage and provision infrastructure through coding procedures rather than manual ones. For creating infrastructure, Terraform offers a high-level configuration language. It also supports a variety of cloud providers, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Organizations can use Terraform to manage their infrastructure in a standardized, repeatable, and versioned manner.

Advantages of Terraform

  • Infrastructure as Code: Terraform enables you to manage your infrastructure as code, allowing you to track and manage changes to your infrastructure through version control. Collaboration, openness, and reproducibility are all enhanced by this.
  • Multi-Cloud Support: Terraform enables you to manage your infrastructure across various clouds, including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, and others.
  • Easy to Use: Terraform is simple to use and quick to learn, making it available to both development and operations teams.
  • Modular architecture:  Terraform is a modular architecture that enables you to divide your infrastructure into reusable parts, making it simple to manage and maintain.
  • Automation: Terraform automates infrastructure deployment, making it quicker and more dependable than manual deployment procedures.

Disadvantages of Terraform

  • Learning Curve: Terraform is simple to use, but it can take some time to understand its more advanced features and best practises.
  • Resource Limitations: Terraform has various restrictions on the types of resources that it can manage, so you might need to use other tools for specific jobs.
  • State Management: Terraform tracks changes to your infrastructure using a state file, which can be difficult to manage and maintain, particularly in complex setups.
  • Third-party Providers: Terraform works with a variety of cloud service providers, but not all of them are supported right out of the box, so you might need to turn to third-party providers.
  • Risk of Misconfiguration: There is a risk of misconfiguration with any tool that automates infrastructure management, which can result in security flaws or downtime. To effectively mitigate this risk, proper testing and validation are essential.

What is Ansible?

Ansible is an automation and configuration management tool. It is designed to automate tasks, such as software installation and configuration, on multiple nodes in a network. Ansible is designed to be agentless, which means that it can manage remote systems without the need for any software to be installed on such systems. It uses a straightforward, human-readable language called YAML to describe the desired state of systems and applications. Organizations may manage their infrastructure more effectively and consistently with Ansible by automating tasks.

Advantages of Ansible

  • Agentless: Ansible is an agentless tool, which makes it simpler to set up and operate because it doesn’t need any software to be installed on the target computers.
  • Simple Syntax: Ansible uses YAML, a basic syntax that makes it simple to understand, write, and automate operations using playbooks.
  • Powerful Automation: An Ansible is a flexible tool that automates a variety of IT activities, including configuration management, application deployment, and orchestration.
  • Large Community: Ansible has a large and active community, therefore there are many of resources available to teach you and solve any problems.
  • Open Source: Ansible is an open-source tool, which means that its development is transparent and that using it is free.

Disadvantages of Ansible

  • Limited Windows Support: Ansible does not provide comprehensive support for Windows-based systems, therefore you might need to use different tools to automate Windows.
  • Limited Cloud Support: Ansible may not be able to support all cloud services or functionalities, despite supporting major cloud providers like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
  • Lack of Scalability: When managing number of systems or complex setups, Ansible’s performance may decrease.
  • Limited Reporting: Ansible has limited reporting capabilities, making it challenging to debug problems and get a complete picture of your infrastructure.

Difference between Terraform and Ansible

Terraform and Ansible are two popular tools used in the field of infrastructure as code (IAC). Both tools are used to automate the provisioning and management of infrastructure, but they serve different purposes and offer different capabilities.





Terraform is an infrastructure as code (IaC) solution that focuses on managing infrastructure resources.

Ansible is a configuration management tool that focuses on automating the configuration of systems and applications.

Syntax and language

Terraform defines infrastructure resources using its own DSL(Domain Specific Language) called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language).

Ansible uses YAML to describe tasks and playbooks.


Terraform controls the dependencies of reusable infrastructure components by encapsulating them in modules.

Roles are used by Ansible to group repeatable tasks and configurations.

Lifecycle management

Terraform provides a mechanism to manage the status of infrastructure resources and handles the whole lifecycle of those resources, from creation to deletion.

Ansible focuses on configuring and maintaining already-existing systems rather than managing the entire lifecycle.


The ability to provide and manage resources across several cloud providers is one of Terraform’s many capabilities for managing cloud infrastructure.

Ansible is used to manage systems that are running on-premises, in the cloud, or in containers and is not just for cloud infrastructure.


Terraform uses a declarative approach, where the desired state of the infrastructure is defined in code and Terraform manages the necessary changes to reach that state.

Ansible, uses an imperative approach, where tasks are defined in code and executed in order to reach the desired state.


In conclusion, Ansible and Terraform are two effective infrastructure as code (IAC) tools that have different functions. Ansible is better suited for setting and automating activities on individual nodes, but Terraform is suitable for provisioning and maintaining cloud infrastructure. The choice between Terraform and Ansible typically depends on the particular use case and the infrastructure needs of the company. Both technologies offer advantages and disadvantages. Ansible offers a straightforward, human-readable language intended for setting and automating operations on individual nodes. In contrast, Terraform offers a high-level configuration language and is well-suited for managing large-scale cloud infrastructure. Organizations can take advantage of the benefits of both tools by integrating Terraform and Ansible to produce an end-to-end infrastructure management solution.

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