Difference between tellg and tellp in C++

In this article, we will discuss the functionality of basic_istream<>::tellg and basic_ostream<>::tellp and the difference between them.

tellg(): The function is defined in the istream class, and used with input streams. It returns the position of the current character in the input stream.


pos_type tellg(); 

Return Type: If the pointer points to a valid position, then this function returns the current position of the get pointer. Otherwise, it returns “-1”.

Program 1:

Below is the C++ program to illustrate the use of tellg():


// C++ program to illustrate the
// use of tellg()
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    ifstream fin;
    char ch;
    // Opens the existing file
    int pos;
    pos = fin.tellg();
    cout << pos;
    fin >> ch;
    pos = fin.tellg();
    cout << pos;
    fin >> ch;
    pos = fin.tellg();
    cout << pos;
    return 0;

Input File:

 hello students


tellp(): The function is defined in the ostream class, and used with output streams. It returns the position of the current character in the output stream where the character can be placed.


pos_type tellp();

Return Type: If the pointer points to a valid position, then this function returns the current position of the get pointer. Otherwise, it returns “-1”.

Program 2:

Below is the C++ program illustrating the use of tellp():


// C++ program illustrating the
// use of tellp()
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Driver Code
int main()
    ofstream fout;
    char ch;
    // Opening the already existing file
    fout.open("gfg.text", ios::app);
    int pos;
    pos = fout.tellp();
    cout << pos;
    fout << "print it";
    pos = fout.tellp();
    cout << pos;
    return 0;

Input File:


hello students
print it 



Tabular Difference between tellp() and tellg():

tellp() tellg()
This function is used with output streams and returns the current “put” position of the pointer in the stream. The function is used with input streams and returns the current “get” position of the pointer in the stream.
Syntax: pos_type tellp(); Syntax: pos_type tellg();
It returns the position of the current character in the output stream. It returns the position of the current character in the input stream.
tellp() gives the position of the put pointer. tellg() gives the position of the get pointer.

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