Difference between System Testing and Sandwich Testing

1. System Testing : System Testing is also called as the black box testing. It is perform to check whether the software or product meets the specified requirements or not. It is performed by both testers and developers. It comprises the testing’s system testing and integration Testing. It is perform through more positive and negative test cases.

2. Sandwich Testing : Sandwich Testing is also called as the hybrid integration testing. It comprise the bottom-up approach testing and top-down approach testing, therefore it uses the advantage of both bottom up approach and top down approach. It also can not be used for those systems which have a lot of interdependence between different modules and it allows parallel testing. 

Difference between System Testing and Sandwich Testing

System Testing comprise of System and integration testing. Sandwich testing comprise the top-down and bottom-up testing.
System testing follows the requirements specification. Sandwich testing follows the specification of modules.
System testing generally focuses on system validation. Sandwich testing generally focuses on functional verification.
In this, there is need of fewer resources for testing. In this, there is need of large number of resources.
It does not allow parallel testing. It allows parallel testing.
It is cost efficient. It is not cost efficient.
It does not matter how big project is. It is used for very large projects having sub projects.
It is usually performed by the development team or a separate team of testers. It is usually performed by the development team.
It is a black box testing technique.  It is a white box testing technique.
All the test cases are executed. Only the required test cases are executed.
It is a costly process. It is a less costly process.
It is a time-consuming process. It is a less time-consuming process.
Test cases are designed to test the entire system.  Test cases are designed to test only the features that are to be delivered.
A test plan is prepared in system testing. A test plan is prepared in sandwich testing.
All the features of the software are tested. A test report is prepared after the execution of test cases
Feature System Testing  Sandwich Testing
Purpose  Verify software behavior and functionality as a whole system  Verify interactions between software modules using both top-down and bottom-up testing
Focus  Entire system as a whole  Interactions between individual modules
Test Environment  Production-like environment  Simulated and controlled environment
Test Scenarios  Emphasis on end-to-end scenarios  Emphasis on module interactions and dependencies
Test Data  Uses standard and realistic data  Uses test data to simulate module interactions and dependencies
Test Duration  Conducted over a longer duration  Conducted over a shorter duration
Outcome  Identifies defects and bugs in the system  Identifies defects in module interactions and dependencies
Testing Techniques  Black-box and White-box testing  Black-box and White-box testing
Test Execution Approach  Comprehensive approach, covering all functionalities  Hybrid approach using both top-down and bottom-up testing
Tools and Technologies  Test management tools, defect tracking tools  Test management tools, defect tracking tools
Risk and Impact  Focuses on functional and operational risks and impacts  Focuses on risks associated with module interactions and dependencies

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