Difference between Star and Ring Topology

Prerequisite – Network Topologies 

Star Topology: In Star topology, the nodes are connected to the central hub or router in which the information is travel from the central hub or router to all the nodes. There are n links in Star topology if there are n nodes. The nodes are connected completely via a dedicated link in which the information is travel from node to node. A new cable is added to the central hub to add a new node in the star topology. 
Ring Topology: In a Ring topology, every node is connected to its left and right side nodes in which the information is travel from node to node in a ring manner in one direction. There are also n links in ring topology like star topology if there are n nodes present. In-ring topology, to add a new node the entire connection must be broken down. 
Difference between Star and Ring Topology:

S. No. Star topology Ring Topology
1. In star topology, the nodes are connected to the central hub or router. In ring topology, every node is connected to its left and right side nodes.
2. In star topology, the only hub is the failure point. In-ring topology, every node are failure point.
3. The cost of star topology is high. The cost of ring topology is low.
4. In star topology, the information is travel from the central hub or router to all the nodes. In-ring topology, the information is travel from nodes to nodes in a ring manner in one direction.
5. The cables are required in star topology more than the ring topology. The cables are required in ring topology less than the star topology.
6. There are n links in Star topology if there are n nodes. There are also n links in a ring topology if there are n nodes present.
7. A new cable is added to the central hub to add a new node. Whereas to add a new node in a ring topology, the connection must be broken.
8. In Star topology, the addition and removal of new nodes are moderately difficult. In-ring topology, the addition, and removal of new nodes are difficult.
9. Star topology is used for local Area Network Ring topology is used for Wide Area Network
10. Star topology access rate is fast.  The ring topology access rate is slow.
11. Star topology transmission speed is fast. Ring topology transmission speed is slow.


  • High-speed LANs.
  • Usually employed in small size networks, and more.


  • Used in SONET rings (Synchronous Optical Networks).
  • Deployed in LAN and MAN and more.

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