Difference between Social Marketing and Social Media Marketing

1. Social Marketing :

 Social Marketing refers to the marketing principle and strategies to build relationship and awareness in society for business growth and it will address an issue and provides solution, it will help in people’s attitude and behavior towards an idea or concept and at last it will help to reach prospective consumers but it serves interests of target market without personal profit. It aims at changing people’s attitudes and behaviors for the better of society. Social marketing depends on the social campaign and social relationship on individuals.

Advantages of Social Marketing:

  • Addresses Social Issues: Social marketing focuses on promoting positive social behaviors, such as healthier eating habits, reducing smoking or drug use, and increasing physical activity.
  • Promotes Social Good: Social marketing aims to promote social good and improve society as a whole, which can create a sense of purpose for the organization and increase brand loyalty among customers.
  • Uses Behavioral Science: Social marketing uses behavioral science to understand and influence human behavior, which can result in more effective marketing campaigns.

Disadvantages of Social Marketing:

  • Long-term Results: Social marketing can take longer to show results because it often focuses on changing attitudes and behaviors over the long-term, which can be challenging to measure and track.
  • Limited Audience: Social marketing is often targeted at a specific population or group, which can limit the audience size and market potential.
  • Complex Strategies: Social marketing requires complex strategies that involve a deep understanding of the target audience, the social issue being addressed, and the behaviors that need to be changed.

 Social Media Marketing refers to the use of social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, twitter etc. to reach the potential customer to sell any product and its primarily focus is on marketing and marketing management. It aims at creating brand/service awareness among the prospective consumers. Social media marketing depends on the social media marketing involvement, analytics on sales made, views etc. 

Advantages of Social Media Marketing:

  • Cost-effective: Social media marketing can be very cost-effective because it does not require expensive advertising or media buys.
  • Wide Reach: Social media platforms have billions of users, which makes it possible to reach a wide audience and increase brand awareness.
  • Targeted Marketing: Social media platforms provide detailed demographic and behavioral data on users, which makes it possible to target specific audiences and increase the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing:

  • Over-saturation: With so many brands using social media marketing, it can be challenging to stand out and capture the attention of potential customers.
  • Negative Feedback: Social media platforms provide a platform for customers to voice their opinions, which can result in negative feedback and damage to a brand’s reputation.
  • Rapidly Changing: Social media platforms are rapidly changing and evolving, which can make it difficult to keep up with best practices and adapt marketing strategies to new trends and features.

Similarities between the two:

  • Both Utilize Social Media Platforms: Both social marketing and social media marketing rely on social media platforms to reach and engage with target audiences.
  • Both Use Digital Strategies: Both social marketing and social media marketing use digital strategies such as content marketing, influencer marketing, and paid advertising to reach and engage with audiences.
  • Both Rely on Customer Engagement: Both social marketing and social media marketing rely on customer engagement to achieve their objectives, whether it is to change behavior or increase brand awareness.
  • Both Require Strong Branding: Both social marketing and social media marketing require strong branding to effectively communicate a message and build a relationship with the target audience.
  • Both Require Targeted Strategies: Both social marketing and social media marketing require targeted strategies that take into account the unique characteristics of the target audience, such as demographics, interests, and behaviors.

Difference between Social Marketing and Social Media Marketing :

01. Social Marketing refers to the marketing principle and strategies to build relationship and awareness in society for business growth and it will address an issue and provides solution, it will help in people’s attitude and behavior towards a an idea/concept and at last it will help to reach prospective consumers. Social Media Marketing refers to the use of social media platforms like facebook, instagram, linkedin, twitter etc. to reach the potential customer to sell any product and its primarily focus is on marketing and marketing management.
02. Social marketing aims at changing people’s attitudes and behaviors for the better of society. Social media marketing aims at creating brand/service awareness among the prospective consumers.
03. It focus on understanding the target audience, establishing relationship between them and then tailoring the campaign to them. It focuses on marketing about a product/service to the new customers and attracting them towards the product/service and make them to sell that product and service.
04. It is focused on a specific location, or certain behavior and its scope is limited. It is focused on a broader market as it reaches to its customer through online means by social media platforms.
05. The success of social marketing depends on the social campaign and social relationship on individuals. The success of social media marketing depends on the social media marketing involvement, analytics on sales made, views etc.
06. The voice of social marketing is situational and personalized. The voice of social media media marketing is brand centric and generalized.
07. Social marketing refers to individual relationship building and then marketing about product/service. Social media marketing refers to create widespread influence about the product/service and then marketing about product/service.
08. In social marketing a human is involved with a face and a name. Where as in social media marketing faceless, nameless corporate account.
09. Social marketing reach to customer is one to one. Social media marketing reach to customer is one to many.

Conclusion :

Social marketing and social media marketing are two distinct concepts with different goals, strategies, and metrics. While social marketing is focused on promoting social change and addressing social issues, social media marketing is focused on promoting products or services, building brand awareness, and engaging with customers through social media platforms.

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