Difference between SIP and VoIP

SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol and VoIP stands for Voice over IP area unit the technologies work for sanctioning any kind of communication over the net. However, the VoIP (Voice over IP) is singly used for IP telecommunication, however SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is the protocol that handles the exchange of transmission. Additional specifically, the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) signalling protocol is that the thanks to standardize the VoIP (Voice over IP) or IP telecommunication. The Session Initiation Protocol is employed to line up the net phone calls, video conferencing and alternative transmission connections. On the opposite hand, the vocalization IP is employed to transfer the voice traffic through the info networks. 
Let’s see the difference between SIP and VoIP protocol which are given below in tabular form:

1. SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol. Whereas VoIP stands for Voice over IP.
2. SIP can handle all types of media. While it can handles voice calls as well as messages.
3. SIP is more flexible. While it is a little bit flexible.
4. SIP is not depend any other device. But it depend on that devices which provide internet.
5. It is protocol of application layer. While it is Layer 3 network protocol.
6. It is related with signalling protocol to manipulate the technologies. Whereas it is related with Separate and severally noticeable technology.
7. It is compatible with internet. While it is also compatible with internet.
8. SIP uses severally systems for handling completely different operations. While it uses only particular system for handling entire operations.

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