Send vs Sent | Difference Between Send and Sent

Send and Sent refers to the different forms of the same verb. Sent is used in the past tense whereas send is the base form of the verb.

Meaning of Sent

 It can be used only for past tense or the perfect tenses in the present and future tense.

Usage of Sent

  1. It can be used after a subject like a noun or a pronoun in indefinite sentences.
  2. it states the sentence is said in the past tense.
  3. Sent has no other forms like ‘sents’. sent is used with all types of nouns and pronouns.

Examples of Sent

  1.  I sent my father his important document yesterday.
  2.  A troop of soldiers was sent to the border.
  3.  My certificate was sent to me by post.
  4.  I have sent some cookies for you.
  5.  My mother sent me her bangles to wear.

In the above sentences, you can notice that the task has been performed in the past. All the sentences depict that the work has already been done. Sentences can be formed by ‘sent’ using the helping verb ‘be’.

Meaning of Send

‘Send’ is the base word which means to deliver something or be taken to a particular destination. We use the term ‘send’ for delivering any object or thing to anyone.

Usage of Send

  1. It can be used after a subject like a noun or a pronoun in indefinite sentences.
  2. It is used in present and future tenses.
  3. It uses ‘s’ at the end to make it ‘sends’ to use it after she, he, it, or any proper noun.

Examples of Send

  1. Can you send him to school?
  2. I send my mother gifts whenever I am out of town.
  3. She sends a flyer.
  4. I need to send my resume to my senior.
  5. He has to send his documents to his manager.

You can observe in the above sentences that they depict either the work that has to be done or the work that is done on a regular basis. It can be used for present and future tense.

Use of Send and Sent in a Sentence

  1. John tried to send a complaint to the query desk, but it was never actually sent due to connectivity problems.
  2. He sent all the documents to his manager when he hears that he has to send them to HR.

Difference between Send and Sent

Sl No. Send Sent
1. deliver things in the present tense things that are already delivered.
2. used in the present or future tense. used in past or perfect tenses.
3. eg: I like to send her flowers every day. eg: I sent her flowers yesterday.
4. it is used to deliver something. it is used as something that is already delivered.

We have seen the usage of send and sent using different sentences and also understood the meanings and differences between them. We have many similar verbs to send like lend, bend, etc.

“In conclusion, ‘send’ means to give or deliver something, while ‘sent’ is used when you already gave or delivered something in the past.”

Send vs Sent- FAQs

Is the verb “sent” regular or irregular?

Since “sent” is contrary to the standard “-ed” pattern of regular verbs, it is an irregular verb. It changes to “sent” from “sent.”

Can you use “send” and “sent” in passive-voice sentences?

Yes, you can use “send” and “sent” identically in passive voice sentences. As an instance, “The message was sent by the sender.”

When are “send” and “sent” used together in a sentence?

You use “sent” when the event took place in the past, and you use “send” when it is happening right now or in the future.

Can “sent” be used to refer to another word or phrase?

Yes, “sent” can also be used to refer to the verb “send.” An example might be, “The package was sent two days ago.”

Is the past tense of “send” always “sent”?

The past tense of the verb “send” is typically “sent.”

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