Difference between RPA and BPM

1. Robotics Process Automation (RPA) :
Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is a software technology which automates the repetitive tasks that were previously processed by human/employee. It configures bots or uses software robots to complete monotonous and time consuming task. So that employees gets time to focus on more complex and high priority task. It has a business goal of reducing cost and headcount through use of software robots.

Robotics Process Management is

  • Software driven
  • Task Focused
  • Low-Effort, Speedy, and Tactical

2. Business process Management (BPM) :
Business process Management (BPM) is a holistic technology which encompasses a number of software/technology which manages business functions for maximum value and efficiency. It identifies and streamlines the business process and eliminates bottlenecks for shorter cycle. has a business goal of reengineering underlying processes and drive central tools.

  • Holistic
  • Process-Focused
  • Long-Term and High-Effort

Difference between RPA and BPM :

01. RPA refers to Robotics Process Automation. BPM refers to Business Process Management.
02. Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is a software technology which automates the repetitive tasks that were previously processed by human/employee. Business process Management (BPM) is a holistic technology which encompasses a number of software/technology which manages business functions for maximum value and efficiency.
03. Robotics Process Automation (RPA) configures bots or uses software robots to complete monotonous and time consuming task. So that employees gets time to focus on more complex and high priority task. Business process Management (BPM) identifies and streamlines the business process and eliminates bottlenecks for shorter cycle.
04. RPA can be said as a software technology concept for Business Process Automation. BPM can be said as a management approach for business processes.
05. RPA has a business goal of reducing cost and headcount through use of software robots. BPM has a business goal of reengineering underlying processes and drive central tools.
06. It is less time consuming as within few days it can be implemented without replacing existing user application or user interface. It is more time consuming as it takes more time to replace entire legacy system with new technologies.
07. It provides the immediate result by addressing the inefficiencies of the process. It can not be quantified immediately as it is a transformational in nature and result cab be observed in long run.
08. RPA requires low effort of the employees as it can run smoothly on existing applications and processes also a non technical person can work on it later. BPM requires high effort of the employees as it reshapes business processes and requires employees having transformational, operational and technical skill sets.
09. Robotics Process Automation (RPA) incorporates automation completely. While Business process Management (BPM) may or may not incorporate complete automation.

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