Difference between RIP and EIGRP

1. Routing Information Protocol (RIP): 
In RIP, distance vector routing (DVR) protocol is used for data/packet transmission. In Routing Information protocol (RIP), the maximum number of Hop is 15, because it prevents routing loops from source to destination. Mechanism like split horizon, route poisoning and hold down are used to prevent from incorrect or wrong routing information. Sally Floyd and Van Jacobson [1994] suggest that, without slight randomization of the timer, the timers are synchronized overtime. Compared to other routing protocol, RIP is poor and limit size i.e., small network. The main advantage of using RIP is it uses the UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

2. Enhanced Interior Gateway Protocol (EIGRP): 
EIGRP stands for which allows router to share information to the neighboring routers which are within the same area. Instead of sending the entire information to the neighboring router, the information which is needed are shared which reduces the workload and amount of data needs to be transmitted. It designed by CISCO system which can be used only in CISCO routers, but in 2013 it became open source, so it can be used in other router. Neighbor table and Topology table are maintained by the EIGRP. 

Difference between RIP and EIGRP :

1. RIP stands for Routing Information Protocol. EIGRP stands for Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol.
2. RIP works on Bellman Ford algorithm. EIGRP works on DUAL(Diffusing Update Algorithm) Algorithm.
3. It is a industry standard dynamic routing protocol. It is a Cisco standard routing protocol.
4. It is basically use for smaller size organization. It is basically use for larger size organization as compared to RIP.
5. RIP is a distance vector protocol. EIGRP is derived from Integrated Gateway Routing Protocol.
6. It allow maximum hop count upto 15. It allow maximum hop count upto 255.
7. It’s administrative distance is 120. It’s administrative distance is 90.
8. It is not a more intelligent dynamic routing protocol. It is a more intelligent routing protocol than RIP.
9. It calculates the metric in terms of Hop Count. It calculates the metric in terms of bandwidth and delay.
10. RIP routing protocol creates two table in the router: Routing Table, and Topology Table. EIGRP routing protocol creates three table In the router: Neighbor Table, Topology Table, and Routing Table.
11. The symbol “R” is used to denote RIP in the routing table. The symbol “D” is used to denote EIGRP in the routing table.
12. A separate administrative boundary is not possible to create in the RIP routing protocol. A separate administrative boundary is possible to create in the EIGRP routing protocol using autonomous system (AS) No.

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