Difference between Re-Testing and Smoke Testing

Prerequisite – Software Testing 

1. Re-Testing: 
Retesting is a type of software testing which tests a particular bug after it has been fixed. When the testers test the product they raise the bug when they find it and after that, it is assigned to the developer team to fix it. In Retesting, some test scenario is analyzed with some data in a new build under the same environmental conditions. Simple Retesting ensures that the issue has been fixed and is working as expected. In retesting the test cases cannot be automated. 

2. Smoke Testing: 
Smoke Testing is a type of software testing which checks whether the deployed build is stable or not. It is also called “Build Verification Testing” or “Confidence Testing.” In simple smoke testing, the important features are verified to know if it’s working or not and this test shows the product is ready for further testing. Smoke testing is done on every build to check whether the basic functionalities that are implemented in the build are working fine or not but not bothering with the finer details. A smoke test is either scripted or using a written set of tests or an automated test. 

Difference between Re-Testing and Smoke Testing :

S. No. Re-Testing Smoke Testing
01. Retesting is performed to check and confirm that the test cases that failed in the final execution are passing after the defects are fixed. Smoke testing is performed to determine whether critical functionalities of AUT are working fine.
02. The main purpose of Re-testing is to verify the bug fixes. The main purpose of smoke testing is to verify the “stability” of the system.
03. Defect verification is coming under re-testing. Defect verification is not coming under smoke testing.
04. Re-testing is executed before we start Sanity testing. Smoke testing is executed before Regression testing..
05. The test cases for re-testing can not be automated. This test can be executed manually or automatically.
06. Retesting is not considered as subset of any testing. Smoke testing is considered as subset of Regression testing.
07. From the previous executed test cases test cases for retesting can be re-used. Smoke test cases are part of regression testing, only cover critical functionalities.`


  • Verification of the resolved problem and is functioning as intended.
  • Verification time is less because it is only limited to the specific problem or feature.
  • The level of the program’s or product’s is raised.
  • The same data and environment is used to carry out with the new build.


  • It helps in finding bugs.
  • Smoke testing can be completed in a short period of time.
  • Requirement of a very small number of test cases to conduct the smoke testing.
  • It helps in verifying that the bugs fixed in the previous build do not affect the core functionality of the application.
  • It aids in problem identification that comes by the integration of components.


  • A new build is needed for the purpose of defect verification.
  • No automation of the test cases.
  • Time consuming because of the re-testing of failed test cases.
  • Test cases can only be obtained after the start of testing and not before that.


  • It does not cover in-depth testing.
  • Due to the use of small number of test cases it is not able to uncover other major issues.

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