Difference between RAID 5 and RAID 10

1. RAID 5 : In RAID 5, data is equally divided in all disks and minimum number of physical disks needed is 3. The main advantages of RAID 5 are no need of space for mirroring, supports data accessing at the time of recovery and high security of data. RAID 5 is generally suited for medium level of applications.


2. RAID 10 : RAID 10 is also known as stripe of mirror. It is a nested RAID level as it combines features of two standard RAID levels: RAID 0 and RAID 1. RAID 10 supports both mirroring and striping features and is far good in reliability. It is expensive as more number of disks are used, minimum number of physical disks needed is 4. 


Difference between RAID 5 and RAID 10 :

S.No. RAID 5 RAID 10
1. In RAID 5, data is divided equally in all disks. In RAID 10, data is stored in one disk and mirrored in another disk for security of data.
2. It emphasis on data storage. While RAID 10 emphasis on performance over storage.
3. It is less reliable than RAID 10. It is far good in reliability than RAID 5.
4. In RAID 5, minimum number of physical disks needed is 3. In RAID 10, minimum number of physical disks needed is 4.
5. RAID 5 is fast in writing speed as compared to RAID 10. RAID 10 is slow in writing speed as compared to RAID 5.
6. It has more storage in comparison to RAID 10. It has less storage in comparison to RAID 5.
7. It does not support mirroring and redundancy of data. It supports mirroring and redundancy of data.
8. It is more complex as there are drives as well as parity disk. It is simple than RAID 5 due to absence of parity disk.
9. It is worthwhile as it consists of less number of disks. It is expensive as it consists of more number of disks.
10. RAID 5 is made of Stripe of mirrors. RAID 10 is made of Striping with parity.
11. Advantages of RAID 5 is the Quick recovery of data in the event of a disk failure. Advantages of RAID 10 is Fast reads, inexpensive redundancy .

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