Difference Between RabbitMQ vs SQS

RabbitMQ is the most widely and traditionally deployed open-source message broker. It is quite light in weight and easy to deploy on-premises and on the cloud. Also, it supports multiple messaging protocols and can run on many operating systems and cloud environments. It has tens of thousands of users. For implementing the Advanced Message Queue Protocol (AMQP), it was initially developed. It has 4 components- Producer, Exchange, Queue, and Consumer.


  • It is an open-source platform.
  • It has easy integration and system configuration
  • Data traffic is minimum.
  • Ready for enterprises and cloud
  • The task of setting up and starting is easy.


  • Processing of large datasets is slow.
  • It has poor Documentation.
  • Maintenance of RabbitMQ is an extremely challenging task.

SQS stands for “Simple Queue Service” which makes it easier for software solutions to send, store, and receive communications. Initially, it was introduced by Amazon in 2004 and made available to the public in mid-2006. Basically, it manages message queuing services that developers use to send, store, and retrieve messages.


  • It is highly reliable in delivering messages
  • Building and extending applications quickly.
  • It ensures that sensitive data is protected and is not mishandled.
  • It offers low latency and easy methods to solve problems.


  • No support for broadcasting.
  • No detailed monitoring of queues.
  • No option to fetch messages back from the queue.

Difference between RabbitMQ and SQS:

RabbitMQ SQS

Developers choose RabbitMQ because-

  • It is reliable.
  • It is user-friendly.
  • It needs low maintenance.

Developers choose SQS because-

  • It has attractive UI.
  • It has high durability. 
  • Easy monitoring and configuration option is available.
It can handle multiple clients. It cannot handle multiple clients as efficiently as RabbitMQ.
It is less reliable when compared with SQS. SQS gives more reliability than RabbitMQ.
It follows an approach of push technique for message consumption. It follows an approach of pull technique for message consumption.
It offers high community support. It does not offer high community support.
RabbitMQ is not a HIPPA client. SQS is a HIPPA client.
It requires some special charges for the high availability according to the user requirement.  It comes with a high availability package as a free service and does not charge any extra.

RabbitMQ and Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service) are both message queuing systems that enable distributed applications to communicate with each other asynchronously.

Here are some key differences between RabbitMQ and SQS:

  1. Deployment: RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker that can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud, whereas SQS is a cloud-based message queuing service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
  2. Protocol Support: RabbitMQ supports multiple messaging protocols, including Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Protocol (STOMP), and Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). In contrast, SQS supports only a proprietary HTTP-based protocol.
  3. Messaging model: RabbitMQ uses a message broker architecture that involves a central server, known as a broker, that receives and routes messages between senders and receivers. SQS is a message queuing service that provides a reliable, highly available, and scalable cloud-based message queue for storing and retrieving messages.
  4. Features: RabbitMQ offers a rich set of features, including message routing, message durability, priority queues, and message acknowledgments. SQS, on the other hand, offers fewer features, including message delay and visibility timeout.
  5. Flexibility: RabbitMQ is highly flexible and can be used in a variety of messaging scenarios, including pub/sub, request/response, and message routing. SQS is designed specifically for message queuing and supports only FIFO (first in, first out) message processing.
  6. Performance: RabbitMQ is known for its high performance, low latency, and high throughput, making it a preferred choice for applications that require real-time message processing. SQS is designed for high availability and fault tolerance but may have higher latency and lower throughput compared to RabbitMQ.
  7. Cost: RabbitMQ is open source and free to use, but deploying and managing it may incur costs for infrastructure, maintenance, and support. SQS is a cloud-based service, and its cost depends on usage, message volume, and other factors.
  8. Scaling: RabbitMQ can be scaled horizontally by adding more nodes to a cluster, providing high availability and fault tolerance. SQS can also be scaled horizontally but is limited by the number of concurrent message-processing threads.
  9. Deployment: RabbitMQ is typically deployed on-premises or in a private cloud, while SQS is a fully managed cloud service that is integrated with other Amazon Web Services (AWS) products.

Overall, the choice between RabbitMQ and SQS depends on the specific needs and requirements of an application. RabbitMQ may be a better choice for applications that require a high level of control and flexibility, while SQS may be a better choice for applications that prioritize high availability and fault tolerance with minimal maintenance and infrastructure requirements

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