Difference between Project Management Tool and Time Tracking Software

1. Project Management Tool :
Project management tool, as name suggests, is a software tool that is basically used to manage all projects and task within organization, organize and streamline work, helps one to each their goals.

2. Time Tracking Software :
Time tracking software, as name suggests, is a software tool that is basically used to handle tasks throughout day, track work hours, track deep insights regarding employee performance, etc.

Difference between Project Management Tool and Time Tracking Software :

Project Management Tool Time Tracking Software
It mainly focuses on project management within organization. It mainly focuses on tracking and managing time within organization.
This helps one to create and manage tasks and projects. This helps one to track performance of each employee working on task or project.
This software is used by many companies from small to big, small and growing business, industries like banking, education, advertising, etc. This software is used by many industries who wants to keep employees on track, professionals who pay their customer on basis on work hours, etc.
Types of such software can be Basecamp, Asana, Trello, ProofHub, etc. Types of such software can be Hubstaff, ClickTime, TSheets, etc.
It can also be used to manage and control risk and other related issues. It can be used to manage time and monitor or control team performance.
It measures performance, get insights, report effectively, etc. It increases efficiency, potential of team members, save cost and time, etc.
It does not track any information regarding time spend on task by employees. It gives information regarding how long employee is working on each task, time when they start and stop working, their break time, leaves they take, tools and resources they use to complete task, etc.
It is best for organizations or companies that wants to set some time limit for each task to be completed, assign work to employees, etc. It is best for organizations or companies that want to track productivity and time management along with risk associated with it if project does not gets completed on time.

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