Difference between Printed book and E-book

1. Printed book :
Printed book contains number of pages bound together with its front cover and back cover page and refers to the physical book. In portability point of view these books are not so good as compared to e-book. E-books are offered, stored, distributed and read in physical form. So there is no requirement of electronic device like computer, smart phones, laptops etc to read these books.

Example of printed books can be the books that we have physically and we are using it daily by taking it with us in our school bag.

2. E-book :
E-book contains all pages in digital format means the book is transformed into electronic form and it refers to the digital book. In portability point of view these books are so good as compared to printed book. E-books are offered, stored, distributed and read in electronic form. So there is always requirement of electronic device like computer, smart phones, laptops etc to read these books.

Example of e-book can be the books that we have digitally and we are using it daily by taking it with us to college in our laptop.

Difference between Printed book and E-book :

1. Printed books refers to the physical book. E-book refers to the digital book.
2. Printed book contains number of pages bound together with its front cover and back cover page. E-book contains all pages in digital format means the book is transformed into electronic form.
3. Printed books are difficult to carry. E-books are easy to carry.
4. Printed books have static layout. E-books have dynamic layout.
5. These books can be shared with others with little physical effort. These books can be easily shared with others through digital sharing medium.
6. These books acquires a physical space as storage. These books acquire memory as storage.
7. Price of printed books are comparatively higher than E-books. Price of E-books are comparatively less than physical books.
8. There is a fear of wear and tear of physical book. There is no fear of wear and tear of physical book.
9. Never the printed book requires loading time. Sometimes E-books requires loading time for loading.
10. To read printed book there is no requirement of any electronic device like laptop or mobile etc. To read the E-book one has to use Laptop, computer or mobile device.
11. There is no requirement of electronic device to read printed book so it is not dependent any power or battery down of electronic device. If the electronic device power will be down then the E-book can not be accessed and it can’t be read.
12. Example of printed books can be the books that we have physically and we are using it daily by taking it with us in our school bag. Example of e-book can be the books that we have digitally and we are using it daily by taking it with us to college in our laptop.

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