Difference between PouchDB and SQLite

1. PouchDB : PouchDB is an open-source, NoSQL, in-line database. It is designed after CouchDB, which is a NoSQL database that powers npm. It is written in JavaScript language. There is no need to perform queries over the network as PouchDB resides inside the browser and thus it makes it extremely faster. It stores data locally using IndexedDB and WebSQL in the browser. 2. SQLite : SQLite is a software library that provides a relational database management system (RDBMS). It was designed by D. Richard Hipp on August 2000. The design goals of SQLite were to allow the program to be operated without installing a database management system (DBMS) or requiring a database administrator. The lite in SQLite means light weight in terms of setup, database administration, and required resource. 
Difference between PouchDB and SQLite “

SR.NO PouchDB SQLite
1 It is developed by Apache Software Foundation. It is developed By D. Richard Hipp .
2 It was released in 2012. It was released on August 2000.
3 It is written using Javascript language. It is written in C language..
4 The primary database model for PouchDB is Document Store. The primary database model for SQLite is Relational DBMS.
5 PouchDB server operating systems are server-less, requires a JavaScript environment (browser, Node.js). SQLite does not require a server to run. Hence, it is serverless.
6 It is Data Schema free. Its Data Schema is fixed.
7 It does not has predefined data types. It has predefined datatypes such as float, date, number, etc.
8 It does not provide ACID transactions. It provides ACID transactions.

PouchDB and SQLite are two different types of database management systems with different architectures and use cases. The main differences between the two are summarized below:

  1. Architecture:
    SQLite is a serverless database management system that can be embedded directly into an application, while PouchDB is a client-side database management system that runs in the web browser and can sync data with a remote database server.
  2. Data Structure:
    SQLite is a relational database management system that stores data in tables with defined columns and rows, while PouchDB is a document-oriented database management system that stores data in JSON-like documents.
  3. Query Language:
    SQLite uses SQL (Structured Query Language) for querying data, while PouchDB uses MapReduce queries, which are similar to SQL but are optimized for NoSQL databases.
  4. Scalability:
    SQLite is designed for single-machine use and is not suitable for large-scale deployments or high-traffic applications. PouchDB, on the other hand, is designed to be highly scalable and can handle large amounts of data and traffic by using a remote database server for storage.
  5. Replication:
    PouchDB provides built-in support for data replication, which allows it to sync data with a remote database server, while SQLite does not have built-in support for replication.
  6. Compatibility:
    SQLite is compatible with a wide range of programming languages and platforms, including C/C++, Java, Python, and .NET. PouchDB, on the other hand, is designed for use with web technologies such as JavaScript and HTML5.
  7. Licensing:
    SQLite is in the public domain and can be used without any licensing restrictions, while PouchDB is licensed under the Apache License, which is a liberal open-source license.

In summary, SQLite and PouchDB are two different types of database management systems with different architectures and use cases. SQLite is a lightweight, serverless relational database designed for small-scale applications that require simplicity and ease of use, while PouchDB is a flexible, client-side NoSQL database designed for use in web applications that require offline functionality and data synchronization with a remote database server.

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