Difference between PCI and PCI express

1. Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) :
PCI is a computer bus to connect the hardware devices in a computer system. Conventional PCI is the other name for PCI. PCI is designed as a parallel bus and has a single bus clock which allocates the time quantum. PCI was introduced in the year 1992 by Intel. The standard width of a PCI bus is either 32 or 64 bits. Hotplugging is a feature that is optional in a PCI.

2. Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCI-e) :
PCI-e is a replaced version of Peripheral Component Interconnect introduced in the year 2003. While hot swapping feature was made optional in PCI, the new version had the hot swapping feature in it. PCI express is a serial bus which connects graphic cards, Wifi, hard drives and other hardware devices. It works faster than PCI, had less input and output pin count making it work better than PCI.

Difference between PCI and PCI express :

S.NO PCI PCI express
1. PCI is a computer bus that connects hardware devices. An advanced version of PCI bus that connects graphic ports, Wifi and other devices.
2. It was introduced in the year 1992 by Intel. It was introduced in the year 2003 by Intel, Dell and other organizations.
3. It is a parallel bus interface It is a serial bus interface.
4. Conventional PCI is the other name for PCI. PCI-e is the abbreviated name for PCI Express.
5. It works slower. It works faster.
6. PCI provides a slower data rate PCI Express provides faster data rate.
7. The PCI slots are standardized The PCI-e slots depends upon number of lanes.
8. The speed of a PCI slot is upto 133MB/s. The speed of a PCI-e slot is upto 16 GB/s.
9. It has less features. It has more features.
10. It may or may not have hot swapping feature. It has the hot swapping feature.

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