Difference between Operation Management and Supply Chain Management

1. Operation Management : 

Operation Management, as name suggests, is a management that mainly focuses on managing operational processes more efficiently that includes conversion of input into output (goods and services) and in turn add value for customer. 

Features of  Operation Management:

  • Operation Management focuses on managing the processes and systems that are used to produce goods or services.
    It involves planning, organizing, and controlling the resources and activities required to manufacture products or deliver services.
  • Operation Management includes tasks such as production planning and scheduling, inventory management, quality control, and process improvement.
  • It aims to maximize efficiency and minimize costs by improving productivity, reducing waste, and optimizing resource utilization.
  • Operation Management is concerned with improving the performance of individual operations within an organization.

Supply Chain Management, as name suggests, is a management that mainly focuses handling entire product flow, management of wide range of components and processes such as storage of product, delivering product, etc. 

Features of  Supply Chain Management:

  • Supply Chain Management focuses on managing the flow of goods and services from the initial supplier to the final customer.
  • It involves coordinating and integrating activities across different organizations and functions, including suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers.
  • Supply Chain Management includes tasks such as procurement, logistics, transportation, and inventory management.
    It aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain by reducing lead times, minimizing inventory, and improving delivery performance.
  • Supply Chain Management is concerned with improving the performance of the entire supply chain, from raw materials to finished products.

 Here are some similarities between Operation Management and Supply Chain Management :

  • Both aim to improve efficiency: Both Operation Management and Supply Chain Management are focused on improving efficiency and reducing waste in the production and delivery of goods and services. This is achieved by streamlining processes, reducing cycle times, optimizing resource utilization, and minimizing costs.
  • Both involve planning and coordination: Both disciplines require careful planning and coordination to ensure that resources are effectively allocated, processes are optimized, and timelines are met. This involves setting goals and objectives, developing strategies and tactics, and monitoring and adjusting performance as necessary.
  • Both involve continuous improvement: Both Operation Management and Supply Chain Management are focused on continuous improvement, with the goal of achieving better performance and results over time. This involves identifying areas for improvement, implementing changes and innovations, and monitoring the impact of those changes.
  • Both involve collaboration and communication: Both disciplines require collaboration and communication across different functions and organizations. This includes working with suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and customers to ensure that the entire supply chain is functioning effectively and efficiently.
  • Both are data-driven: Both Operation Management and Supply Chain Management rely on data and analytics to make informed decisions and drive performance improvements. This involves collecting and analyzing data on various aspects of the production and delivery processes, such as inventory levels, cycle times, and delivery times.

Difference between Operation Management and Supply Chain Management : 

Operation Management Supply Chain Management
It mainly focuses on management of operations or functions. It mainly focuses on management of supply activities i.e. goods and services.
This management mainly focuses on things that happen inside company or business. This management mainly focuses on things that happen outside company or business such as delivering products at appropriate location, getting materials, etc.
It manages process of producing product. It manages supply or movement of produced product.
Most of time of operation management is spend on planning, managing, organizing daily operations or functions. Most of time of supply chain management is spend on evaluating suppliers i.e. assessing and approving suppliers by qualitative and quantitative assessment and negotiate contracts i.e. creating contracts between parties.
Process of operation management includes planning, organizing, supervising processes and in turn increases improvements. Process of supply chain management includes design, planning, execution, control and monitoring all supply chain activities.
Various operation management tools available are Objective and key results template, Lean, Six sigma, etc. Various supply chain management tools available are warehouse management, lean inventory, demand forecast, etc.
Its benefits includes increase in revenue, motivated employees, increase in customer satisfaction, increase in product quality, etc. Its benefits include reduction in overhead costs, improvement in cash flow, improvement in risk mitigation, improvement in quality control, etc.
Its main objectives includes utilize resources of organization to create products or services or goods, increase customer satisfaction, produce good of expected quality on given time. Its main objectives is to maximize overall value that is generated, improve overall performance of organization, managing inventory effectively, etc.


Operations management and supply chain management are both important concepts in business management. While they share some similarities, they differ in their focus, scope, management approach, and level of complexity. Understanding the differences between these two concepts is critical to effectively manage day-to-day business operations or the flow of goods, services, and information across a network of suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers.


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