Difference Between OpenSUSE and Kali Linux

OpenSUSE is a Linux distribution developed by the openSUSE Project. It was initially released on October 6, 2005. It was developed for creating usable open-source tools for software developers and system administrators and it also provides a user-friendly environment and feature-rich server environment. 

Kali Linux is a Linux based open source Operating System which is freely available for use. It belongs to the Debian family of Linux. It was developed by “Offensive Security”. It was first released in March 2013 with the aim to be the replacement of the BackTrackOS. Kali comes packed with 100+ of penetration testing, security research, digital forensics, reverse engineering, and ethical hacking tools.



Kali Linux

1.  OpenSUSE is developed by The openSUSE Project. Kali Linux is developed by Offensive Security.
2. It’s Default Desktop Environment is Plasma, GNOME, Xfce, LXQT. It’s Default Desktop Environment is GNOME and Xfce.
3.  It is based on SUSE Linux Professional. It is a Debian based Linux.
4.  Its package manager is the RPM Package Manager. Its package manager is APT Package Manager.
5.  Good for Normal and day to day users. Good for Ethical Hackers and Penetration Testers.
6. It comes with native KVM virtualization support. It supports KVM and Xen virtualization.
7. It’s Official Supported Architectures are amd64, ppc64, arm64. It’s Official Supported Architecture is amd64.

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