Difference between Network OS and Distributed OS

Prerequisite – Types of Operating Systems

In this topic we shall see the difference between Network Operating System and Distributed Operating System. The main difference between these two operating systems (Network Operating System and Distributed Operating System) is that in network operating system each node or system can have its own operating system on the other hand in distribute operating system each node or system have same operating system which is opposite to the network operating system. The difference Between Network Operating System and Distributed Operating System are given below: 

S.NO Network Operating System Distributed Operating System
1. Network Operating System‘s main objective is to provide the local services to remote client. Distributed Operating System’s main objective is to manage the hardware resources.
2. In Network Operating System, Communication takes place on the basis of files. In Distributed Operating System, Communication takes place on the basis of messages and shared memory.
3. Network Operating System is more scalable than Distributed Operating System. Distributed Operating System is less scalable than Network Operating System.
4. In Network Operating System, fault tolerance is less. While in Distributed Operating System, fault tolerance is high.
5. Rate of autonomy in Network Operating System is high. While The rate of autonomy in Distributed Operating System is less.
6. Ease of implementation in Network Operating System is also high. While in Distributed Operating System Ease of implementation is less.
7. In Network Operating System, All nodes can have different operating system. While in Distributed Operating System, All nodes have same operating system.

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