Difference Between Motor and Generator

The major difference between a motor and a generator is that a motor electrical energy to mechanical energy whereas a generator convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. Both motors and generators operate through electromagnetic induction, which occurs when a changing magnetic field induces a voltage.

This article provides the difference between motor and generator, along with their definition and working.

What is a Motor?

Motor is an electrical device that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. It works on electrical power as input hence it can be further divided into AC motors and DC motors and outputs some mechanical work like rotation or any kind of movement. AC motors take Alternating current as input while DC motors take Direct current as input. There is a further classification of motor based on its construction. Electric fans, vacuum cleaners, and other major household appliances operate due to the motor present inside them.

Working of Motor

As discussed, Motor takes electricity (AC or DC) and converts it into mechanical energy using principles of electromagnetic induction. Construction of the motor consists of two parts – the Stator (the stationary part) and the Rotor (the rotating part).

As the current flows in the motor, the stator of the motor with a copper coil creates a magnetic field. The moving part rotor is connected to shaft, and it interacts with the magnetic field, it causes Lorentz force on the rotor which in turn experiences torque and begins to rotate, hence the generation of mechanical energy. The rotation can be controlled by controlling the flow of voltage and current in the motor.

What is a Generator?

Generator is an electrical device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. Any mechanical energy like rotation outputs electrical energy in Alternating Current (AC) or Direct Current (DC). All power plants which convert various energies operate on generator. The working structure of generator is inspired from electromagnetic induction.

Working of Generator

Generator works opposite to motor though the construction is similar. Generator also has two main parts stator and rotor. In Generator a coil of wire is spins really fast using some external mechanical force in magnetic field which creates electromagnetic induction, as a result the electrons in the coil start moving and they create electric current. Generator can be controlled by the rotational speed provided.

Difference between Motor and Generator

The main difference between Motor and Generator is that they operate opposite. Motor changes electrical energy to mechanical energy whereas Generator changes mechanical energy to electrical energy. Other differences come from construction and their use cases.

These particular differences between motor and generator based on their construction and use cases are listed below in the table for easy comparison and understanding.

Point of Difference



Energy conversion

Motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.

Generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.


Example of generator is all major household appliances which work on electricity including cars, washing machine, fan etc.

Example of generator is the power plants that produces electricity which is later used as backups and in remote areas.


It uses electricity generated by a generator.

It generates electricity.

Rotational Speed

Motors causes rotation, this rotation can be controlled by the supply of current input according to needs.

Generators can be controlled by the external rotational speed applied as input.

Input applied

Input of Motor is Alternating Current or Direct Current.

Input of Generator is generally mechanical energy using wind turbine, water energy applied to Generator’s rotor.


Used in various applications like fans, pumps, vehicles, industrial machines, etc.

used in Power generation in power plants, turbines, wind turbines, etc.


Works unidirectionally: converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.

works bidirectionally, and can operate as a motor when supplied with electrical power.

Also, Check


A motor and a generator are two types of electrical devices that seem similar but work in opposite ways. A motor converts electrical energy into mechanical energy, making things move, like fans or cars. On the other hand, a generator does the opposite; it transforms mechanical energy, usually from rotation, into electrical energy, like the power plants that produce electricity for our homes. The main difference is in what they do with the energy – motor uses it for movement, and a generator produces electricity. Both have similar structures with stator and rotor parts, and interestingly, one machine can function as both a motor and a generator.

FAQs on Motor and Generator

What is the difference between Motor and Generator?

The main difference between Motor and Generator is that they work completely opposite. Motor converts electrical energy to Mechanical energy while Generator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Explain the working of Motor.

When current is given as a input in motor, the coil in stator creates magnetic field. This magnetic field when comes in contact with rotor it causes movement using the principles of electromagnetic induction.

Explain the working of Generator.

In generator the coil is spinning with external force in magnetic field, it causes the electrons in the wire of coil to move, this moving electron generates electricity.

Can one machine be both Motor and Generator?

Yes, one machine can work as both motor and generator.

What are some examples of Motor?

Fan, electric cars and motorcycles, and other electrical household appliances are examples of Motor.

What are some examples of Generator?

Backup power system of houses, as emergency power source is an example of Generator. Wind turbines, hydroelectric power, solar power are used to generate electricity.

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