Difference between Memory and Storage

Memory: Memories are made up of registers. Memory refers to the location of short-term data. Each register in the memory is one storage location. Storage location is also called as memory location. Memory locations are identified using Address. The total number of bit a memory can store is its capacity.  Memory is a vital component of a computer system, as it allows the computer to store and access data quickly and efficiently. 

Memory are of three type:

1. Primary Memory: Also known as main memory or internal memory, primary memory is the memory that a computer uses to store data temporarily while the CPU is processing it. The two main types of primary memory are Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read-Only Memory (ROM).
2. Secondary Memory: Secondary memory refers to external storage devices that can be used to store data for long-term use, even when the computer is turned off. Examples of secondary memory include hard disk drives (HDDs), solid-state drives (SSDs), USB flash drives, and memory cards.
3. Cache Memory: Cache memory is a small amount of memory that a computer uses to store frequently accessed data for quick retrieval. It acts as a buffer between the CPU and main memory, helping to speed up data access times. Cache memory is typically built into the CPU or located on a separate chip on the motherboard.

Storage: Storage allows you to store and access data on a long-term basis.Data remains the same and nothing changes in the hard disk drive: everything gets pulled off into the main memory. Storage allows you to access and store your applications, operating system and files for an indefinite period of time. 

Storage devices can be classified into two categories: internal storage and external storage. Internal storage devices are located within the computer, such as the hard drive, solid-state drive, or flash memory. External storage devices, on the other hand, are connected to the computer via an external port, such as a USB or Thunderbolt port.

The capacity of a storage device is measured in bytes, with larger units being kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), terabytes (TB), and so on. When choosing a storage device, it’s important to consider the capacity, speed, and durability of the device, as well as the compatibility with the device you plan to use it with.

For Example:

1. HDD
2. SDD
3. SD Cards
4. CD, DVD, etc 

Let’s see the difference between Memory and Storage:

1 Memory is an electronic component that is capable of storing data and information on a temporary basis. Storage refers to physical storage devices.
2 It is temporary data storage. Data is stored both temporarily and permanently.
3 Memory is faster than storage. Storage is slower than memory
4 Memory can access data and information instantly. Storage cannot access or modify data as fast as the memory.
5 It is a collection of computer chips installed in memory modules. It is a technology consisting of core components of a computer.
6 When the computer loses the power, Data is lost . No data is lost.
7 The memory module are expensive than storage. Storage devices are cheaper.
8 There size are not much larger and goes upto GBs. There size are much larger than memory and goes upto TBs.
9 It is used when data is stored for short time. It is used when data is stored for long term.

Conclusion : 

memory and storage are two different components of a computer system that serve different purposes. Memory is used to hold data that the CPU is currently processing, while storage is used to store data that needs to be accessed frequently or for a long period of time. Memory is faster but has a smaller capacity, while storage is slower but has a much larger capacity.

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