Difference Between Mac and Message Digest

MAC and Message Digest are two widely used terms in computer security and cryptography. Although the two are important in the process of ensuring data integrity and authenticity, they differ in their use and characteristics. This article seeks to differentiate MAC from Message Digest by expounding on each concept’s definitions and how each works in securing message confidentiality and integrity.

Primary Terminologies


MAC which stands for Message Authentication Code is a cryptographic method that allows to confirm the authenticity and the integrity of contents. It does this by forming a tag following the given message that comprises a secret key to this message. As such, the receiver can determine using his key and the copied message as to the original of the message.

Common MAC Algorithms:

  • HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) – Utilizes a cryptographic hash function like SHA-256.
  • CMAC (Cipher Message Authentication Code) – Employs a block cipher algorithm like AES.

Message digest

Message digest is also known as cryptographic hash function which is a fixed-size string of a certain number of bytes typically written in a hexadecimal number. The function is also a one-way hash function that encrypts the input or the message to a fixed-size hash value. A unique fingerprint is deduced by the generated hash and the unique input data.

Common Message Digest Algorithms:

  • MD5 (Message Digest 5)
  • SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1)
  • SHA-256 (Secure Hash Algorithm 256)

Data Integrity

Data integrity ensures that information remains unaltered during transmission or storage, guarding against tampering, corruption, or unauthorized modification. Upholding data integrity is essential for maintaining the reliability and trustworthiness of information.

Cryptographic Hash Function

A cryptographic hash function is a hash function that has some properties similar to those of CM(coding method) or MAC(Message Authentication Code), such as one-way and collision-free. It is a function that gets a binary string as input and produces a fixed-length output big enough, which is called a hash and is a unique fingerprint or checksum. A cryptographic hash function is used for one-way purposes and makes it computationally difficult for outputs to be converted to inputs.



  • It utilizes a secret key shared between the sender and receiver.
  • It provides both integrity and authenticity verification.
  • It requires recalculating the MAC for each message, making it suitable for real-time verification.

Message Digest

  • It operates without a secret key.
  • It primarily focuses on ensuring data integrity.
  • It generates a fixed-length hash regardless of the message size, facilitating efficient storage and comparison.

Difference Between Mac and Message Digest


MAC (Message Authentication Code)

Message Digest


MAC provides both data integrity and authenticity as it requires a shared secret key, which gives it more resistance to both tampering and unauthorized members.

The purpose of Message Digest is to only ensure data integrity, but not provide authentication as it produces a fingerprint that is unique to the input data.

Key Requirement

Requires a secret key shared between the sender and receiver, which adds an extra layer of security but also necessitates key management.

Does not require a secret key for generating hash values, making it simpler to implement but less suitable for authentication purposes.


Theoretically, MAC algorithms can undergo collisions, however, their occurrence is extremely rare because of the complexity of cryptographic algorithms and the use of secret keys.

Collisions, though rare, are more probable in message digest algorithms because the output size is fixed and the input domain is infinite.

Message Length

Due to that the MAC output size depends on the specific algorithm used MAC is capable of authenticating messages of any length.

Creates fixed-length hash values regardless of the input message length, thus it may turn out inapplicable in some situations.


MAC computation is comparatively slower because complex cryptographic operations are involved and these operations take both time and longer message size into consideration.

The MD hashing algorithm is computationally fast because of the simplicity of the hashing codes involved. Thus, it is more appropriate for tasks that require higher performance.

Use Case Example

Used in protocols such as SSL/TLS, IPsec, and SSH for securing communication channels and for authenticating exchanged data.

Typically, this process is used in cases ranging from storing passwords in a hashed form to checking file integrity and establishing digital signatures for verifying the authenticity of papers and messages.


Benefits of MAC (Message Authentication Code)

  • Data Integrity: MAC ensures data remains unaltered during transmission, enhancing trust.
  • Authentication: It verifies the origin of messages, bolstering security.
  • Tamper Protection: MAC adds security layers, deterring tampering attempts.
  • Real-time Verification: Enables quick integrity checks without heavy computation.
  • Secure Protocols: Integral in SSL/TLS, IPsec, and SSH, securing communication channels.

Benefits of Message Digest (MD)

  • Data Integrity: MD reliably verifies data integrity, crucial for trust.
  • Efficient Storage: Produces fixed-length hashes, optimizing storage.
  • Password Security: Safely stores passwords, protecting against breaches.
  • File Integrity Checking: Ensures files remain unchanged, bolstering security.
  • Digital Signatures: Enables verification of document authenticity, essential in digital transactions.


In conclusion, MAC and Message Digest enforce data integrity and ensure the authenticity of the provided data but differ in their principles of activity and the sphere of application. As more applications rely on cryptography to secure sensitive information, knowledge of the differences between these cryptographic methods can be protected by helping establish robust security measures.

Frequently Asked Questions on Difference Between Mac and Message Digest -FAQs

What is MAC (Message Authentication Code)?

A MAC or Message Authentication Code is a cryptographic method to ascertain data’s authenticity and integrity. It refers to the tag attached along with the message that is generated using the secret MAC key. This secure key attachment enables the receiver to verify both the origin of the message and the integrity of the respective message.

How does MAC ensure the data’s integrity and authenticity?

For Assuring Data Integrity and Authenticity: MAC uses the shared secret key between the receiver and sender to compute a unique tag each message . By recalculating the MAC upon each received message and comparing it with the transmitted MAC, the two endpoints can ensure that the message was not altered during transmission and was sent by the expected sender.

What is a Message Digest?

A Message Digest, also referred to as a cryptographic hash function, is a predetermined-length string produced by using a hash function on a message. It is used to uniquely represent the message, with a primary focus on ensuring data integrity rather than providing authentication.

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