Difference Between Lentils and Pulses

Lentils and pulses both are members of the Fabaceae family. They both are known for their high dietary fiber and protein content. They are also known for being the staple part of many diets worldwide. They have many similarities as well as differences. The lentil is a bushy annual plant of the legume family, grown for its lens-shaped seeds.

They are 40cm tall, and the seeds are grown in pods with two seeds. They are the first crop that originated in the Near East and have been part of the human diet for a long time. In this article, we will read about pulses, and lentils, their types, the differences between them, and the benefits of including them in our daily meals.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between Lentils and Pulses
  • What are Pulses?
  • What are Lentils?
  • Similarities Between Lentils and Pulses
  • Benefits of Pulses and Lentils

Difference Between Lentils and Pulses

The differences between Lentils and Pulses are stated below:





Lentils are edible legumes; they are known for their lens-like seed shape and flat disc seed. They are grown in pods.

Pulses are a category of crops that include dried, edible legumes. They are dry seeds that are grown in pods too. They are also known as grain legumes.


There are several heart-healthy benefits from lentils because it includes fibre, potassium, and folic acid.

They help increase soil health and reduce the effects of greenhouse gases.

Nutritional Value

They are rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, and fiber. They are known for their plant-based protein, which is included in vegetarian and vegan diets.

They are rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. They are included in a healthy diet.


Brown, green, red, and black lentils.

Black beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, and split peas.

What are Pulses?

Pulses are those plants that produce seeds that are enclosed in pods. When these seeds become mature they are harvested but the pods remain green in colour. There are other types of peas, these peas are used in soups and stews. From the legume family, pulses are edible seeds that are collected for their dry seeds. Another name for them is grain legumes. Pulses are low in fat and high in protein and fibre. They also include amino acids and vitamins.

Examples of pulses are different types of peas, and they are good sources of iron and zinc.

Types of Pulses

Pulses are present in many variety of legumes and they are harvested when they are dry. They grow within the pod of the plant and produce an edible seed.

There are majorly 10 types of pulses: dry beans, broad beans, dry peas, chickpeas, cowpeas, pigeon peas, bambara beans, haricot beans, butter beans, and black beans.

What are Lentils?

Lentils are grains that are lens-shaped they are also used in soups and stews, mostly used in Indian cuisine. Lentils are edible seeds from the legume family that are distinguished by their lens shape. They have a high protein and fibre content and are a rich source of iron, potassium, folate and B vitamins. Different types of lentils have different flavors and are used in salads.

Types of Lentils

There are different types of lentils which are one the oldest cultivated legumes. The contain fibres and protein which are easy to cook and need not to be soaked.

There are 4 main types of lentils:

  • Brown Lentils: These are soil-like taste, easily available and cooked easily. Used in soups, stews, etc.
  • Green Lentils: These are very strong in flavour and present in different sizes. Used to make green curry and sprouts in salads for protein intake.
  • Red and Yellow Lentils: They both have different flavour and texture. They are slightly sweet, mushy texture and nutty flavour.
  • Black Lentils: Black beluga lentils are black and spherical.

Similarities Between Lentils and Pulses

Although there are many dissimilarities , lentils and pulse have few things in common which are stated below:

  • Lentils and pulses both are edible seeds of legumes.
  • They both are present in dried form, they need to be soaked and cooked later.
  • Both are rich in protein and fibres and both contain low amount of fats.
  • They both grow in pods of the plant and come from the same family of Fabaceae.
  • They are grown for human consumption.

Benefits of Pulses and Lentils

The benefits of having pulses and lentils in our meals are as follows:

  • Though there are many differences, they offer good health benefits. Pulses and lentils are very good sources of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fibers. They are low in fat, and calories and good for weight management.
  • They offer various environmental benefits as well, as they fix nitrogen from the air, help in reducing synthetic fertilizers, keep soil healthy, increase soil organic matter, and reduce soil erosion.

Pulse and lentils are part of Fabaceae family, and they have many similarities too. There are some important differences between them, including their size, shape, nutritional values, and cooking properties. They are good for our health and add to a valuable diet.

Conclusion – Lentils and Pulses

Lentils are edible seeds that have a distinct lens shape. There are several varieties of lentils, including red, yellow, green, and brown lentils. Conversely, pulses are the dried, edible seeds of legumes. They consist of chickpeas, dried beans, and peas. Pulses and lentils both develop inside pods. Interestingly, they are high in fibre and protein. But the primary distinction between pulses and lentils is their form and consistency.

FAQs on Lentils And Pulses

Why Are Lentils Also Called Pulses?

Lentils are also known as pulses because pulses and lentils belong to the same family. Pulses are a broader classification of various leguminous crops.

How Lentils Can Be Bad For You?

Lentils contain some compounds that are known as anti-nutrients like phytates and lectins. These substances interfere with the absorption of minerals like zinc and iron and create discomfort in our stomachs.

Are Beans And Lentils the same?

No, they both are not the same, although they fall under the same categories of legumes. They differ in size, shape, and colour. Their flavors and textures are also different.

How Cereals Are Different From Pulses?

Cereals are high in carbohydrates, and pulses contain less carbohydrate content as they are rich in protein, fiber, and mineral sources. And cereals examples are wheat, rice, corn, etc.

Can Pulses Be Consumed Raw?

Pulses consumed raw can be toxic, as their toxic reactions can cause damage to our digestive tract. They can create bloating, stomach cramps, skin rashes, and nausea.

Are Pulses and Lentils Same?

Pulses are edible seeds of plants in the leguminous family; lentils are the lens-shaped seeds of an annual leguminous plant found in Eurasia.

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