Difference between JFET and MOSFET

JFET (Junction Gate Field-Effect Transistor):
JFET is a field-effect transistor and it is the three terminal devices. There are number of application of that, it can be used as switch, amplifier, etc. It is classified into two categories: N-Channel JFET and P-Channel JFET.

MOSFET (Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor):
The MOSFET is a field-effect transistor and it is a four terminal device with source(S), gate (G), drain (D) and body (B) terminals. It’s generally classified into two basic configurations: Depletion Mode MOSFET and Enhancement Mode MOSFET.

Let’s see the difference between Primary Key and Foreign Key:

1 JFET(Junction Gate Field-Effect Transistor) is a three-terminal semiconductor device. MOSFET(Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) is a four-terminal semiconductor device.
2 It can only operates in the depletion mode. It operates in both depletion mode and enhancement mode.
3 It has high input impedance on the order of 1010 ohms, therefore they are more sensitive towards input voltage signals. It offers even higher input impedance than the JFETs, theredore they are more resistive.
4 It allows the gate leakage current on the order of 10^-9 A While the gate leakage current for MOSFETs will be of the order of 10^-12 A.
5 It is relatively cheaper than MOSFETs It is expensive one.
6 These are ideal for low noise applications. These are mainly used for high noise applications.
7 These are less susceptible to damage because of the high input capacitance. These are more susceptible to damage because of the metal oxide insulator.
8 Manufacturing process of JFETs is simple. Manufacturing process of MOSFETs is complex.

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