Difference between ITOps and CloudOps

1. ITOps :

 ITOps  stands for Information Technologies Operation or IT operations refers to the process and service administration by several organization and there. In todays world every organization which uses computer needs ITOps they generally call it IT needs. 

ITOps are distinct groups within the IT department. Every company has its’ own IT team organization whereas, ITOps team generally consists a group of IT operators and managed by the manager who oversee and guides all the activities of ITOps. They are also equally responsible for managing, paying, procuring and working.    

  • ITOps plays an critical role in accomplishing several business goals .
  • Maintains stability and reliability in IT ecosystem.
  • Ensures IT empowerment to achieve desired goals

Best practices of ITOps :

  • Integrate IT automation
  • Runs hardware replacement cycles
  • Improves communication and collaboration

2. CloudOps :

CloudOps is continuous operation and a short term used to refer cloud operation, it’s a quick term which describes the process of management and delivering the cloud computing to infrastructures services from internal to external users. 

The main goal on which CloudOps works is to keep their applications and data secured and functioning as long as possible in their cloud platform . Its much like DevOps, but only within the realm of computing resources management,  

Features :

  • It’s distributed , stateless and scalable
  • Its infrastructure agonistic
  • Highly automated
  • Always in active state
  • Shares resources
  • Data is redundant

Benefits CloudOps provide :

  • Cost effectiveness
  • Scalability and flexibility
  • Quick work process in market
  • Accessibility and availability
  • Data security
  • Backup and recovery

Difference between ITOps and CloudOps :




01. Manual with heavy reliance on legacy support of vendors. Seamless design with deep automation and interoperability.
02. Customization are required. Data native with fine control dashboard.
03. Required more manual interventions and fails in predications faults . Multi tiered security architecture ,customers and cloud providers shares responsibility
04. Point security architecture with poor updates. Scaling up is easy and quick.
05. Advanced planning and budgeting is needed  Cloud provides specific flexible provisioning and scalability of environment 

As per the growing technology IT teams charges while providing stability ,security and efficiency in increasing dynamic and super connected environment So, its high time for IT operations to embrace CloudOps as well as ITOps to immerse and provide speed and flexibility which can manage the cloud environment more easily and quickly .

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