Difference between Interlingua Approach and Transfer Approach

Interlingua Approach: It is a machine translation approach used by systems in Natural Language Processing to translate one language to another and vice versa. This approach can also be used to translate one language to many languages. The credit of this approach went to Descartes and Leibniz who were among the first people to give the idea of Interlingua approach around 17 century.

Transfer Approach: It is also a machine translation approach for translating languages from one form to another. It is one of the mostly used approach in area of natural language processing. It uses different analysis processes like lexical, semantic, syntactic, pragmatic etc to convert source text to the target text. 

The following table differentiates Interlingua Approach and Transfer Approach:

  Interlingua Approach Transfer Approach
1. In this approach, the system translates the source language to an intermediate language which is known as Interlingua of the source language and then it converts the interlingua to the target language. In this approach, the system translates the source language to abstract source language oriented representation, and then convert it to target language oriented representation, and finally target language is generated.
2. It has two stages, first is source to interlingua an second is interlingua to target language.  It has three stages, first source to abstract source and second to abstract source to abstract target and third is abstract target to target language.
3. Accuracy of this translation approach is intermediate. Accuracy of transfer approach is high nearly 90 percent.
4. It is a faster approach as it requires fewer components.  It requires more components so it is a bit slower approach.
5. This approach uses knowledge of source language and convert it to interlingua using lexicons and grammar rules. This approach uses knowledge of both languages source as well as target.
6. It is difficult to create efficient interlingua.  It is comparatively easy as it uses different analysis phases.
7. CALLIOPE-AERO  system uses interlingua approach. Text conversion system like that of google uses transfer approach.

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