Difference between Interlaced Scan and Progressive Scan

Interlaced Scan and Progressive Scan are the formation scanning technique wide employed in analog video system.

Interlaced Scanning:
Interlaced Scanning takes place over dividing one frame. In interlaced scan, the displaying video speed is lesser than progressive scan. In interlaced scan, the video quality is vulgarized and there is present the combing effect in interlaced scan.

Progressive Scanning:
Progressive Scanning takes place through scanning all frame promptly. In progressive scan, the displaying video speed is quicker than interlaced scan. In progressive scan, the video quality is superior than interlaced scan and there is not present combing effect in progressive scan.

Let’s see that the difference between interlaced scan and progressive scan which are given below:

S.NO Interlaced Scan Progressive Scan
1. In interlaced scan, scanning takes place over dividing one frame. While in progressive scan, scanning takes place through scanning all frame promptly.
2. Interlaced scan is less efficient than progressive scan. While progressive scan is more efficient than interlaced scan.
3. In interlaced scan, the displaying video speed is lesser than progressive scan. While in progressive scan, the displaying video speed is quicker than interlaced scan.
4. There is present the combing effect in interlaced scan. While there is not present combing effect in progressive scan.
5. In interlaced scan, the video quality is vulgarized. While in progressive scan, the video quality is superior than interlaced scan.
6. Interlaced scan is less promoted than progressive scan. While progressive scan is more promoted than interlaced scan.

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