Difference between Image Sampling and Quantization

To create a digital image, we need to convert the continuous sensed data into digital form.
This process includes 2 processes:

  1. Sampling: Digitizing the co-ordinate value is called sampling.
  2. Quantization: Digitizing the amplitude value is called quantization.

To convert a continuous image f(x, y) into digital form, we have to sample the function in both co-ordinates and amplitude.

Difference between Image Sampling and Quantization:

Sampling Quantization
Digitization of co-ordinate values. Digitization of amplitude values.
x-axis(time) – discretized. x-axis(time) – continuous.
y-axis(amplitude) – continuous. y-axis(amplitude) – discretized.
Sampling is done prior to the quantization process. Quantizatin is done after the sampling process.
It determines the spatial resolution of the digitized images. It determines the number of grey levels in the digitized images.
It reduces c.c. to a series of tent poles over a time. It reduces c.c. to a continuous series of stair steps.
A single amplitude value is selected from different values of the time interval to represent it. Values representing the time intervals are rounded off to create a defined set of possible amplitude values.

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