Difference Between Hypothesis And Theory

Understanding the difference between a hypothesis and a theory is important in scientific research. A hypothesis is an educated guess or proposed explanation for a phenomenon, based on limited evidence and requiring further investigation. While, a theory is a well-substantiated explanation of an aspect of the natural world, supported by strong evidence and repeated testing. This distinction highlights the progression from initial inquiry to established scientific understanding.

Differentiate between Hypothesis and Theory

Table of Content

  • What is a Hypothesis?
    • Examples of Hypothesis
  • What is Theory?
    • Examples of Theory
  • Difference Between Hypothesis and Theory
  • Similarities between Hypothesis and Theory
  • Conclusion: Difference Between Hypothesis And Theory

What is a Hypothesis?

A hypothesis is a scientific ‘what if ‘ statement. It is your guess or prediction about something you’re curious about. It is the starting point of the scientific investigation, it is a way to make an informed guess that you can test through experiments and observations. In other words, hypothesis is the first step in unraveling the mysteries of the world.

Examples of Hypothesis

  1. Biology: Hypothesis: If I water this plant every day it will grow taller than the plant I water only once a week – this hypothesis explores the cause and effect relationship between watering and frequency and plant growth.
  2. Physics: Hypothesis: Increase the temperature of a gas cause it to expand – this hypothesis explores the behavior of gases under changing temperature conditions
  3. Psychology: Hypothesis: Increased access to education will decrease crime rate in community – This Hypothesis explores to understand the potential of human emotions

What is Theory?

A theory is not a wild guess, it is a robust and thoroughly tested idea that explains a particular phenomenon. Theory is a combination of evidence, data and experiments. It contains good standard in scientific understanding and is well established.

Examples of Theory

  1. Biology: Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection: This Theory is proposed by Charles Darwin that explains how species change over time through the process of natural selection, here individuals with advantageous traits are more likely to survive and reproduce.
  2. Physics: Theory of General Relativity: Albert Einstein’s Theory explains that gravity works by explaining relationship between space, time and presence of mass which leads to bending of light by massive objects.
  3. Psychology: Cognitive Development Theory: Jean Piaget’s Theory explains stages of cognitive development in children, emphasizing how they acquire knowledge, problem solving, thinking skills etc.

Difference Between Hypothesis and Theory

The difference between Hypothesis and Theory is as follows:





A Guess or Prediction

A well detailed explanation


Based in limited knowledge

Based on Proof


A starting point for investigation

A comprehensive explanation


Tested through experiments

Tested through research


Subject to change or rejection

Stable and resistant to change

Level of Confidence

Low confidence level

High confidence level

Similarities between Hypothesis and Theory

Similarities between Hypothesis and Theory are given below:

  • Scientific Basis: Both are fundamental components of the scientific method.
  • Explanation of Phenomena: Aim to explain natural phenomena and provide understanding of the natural world.
  • Subject to Testing: Can be tested through experiments and observations.
  • Require Evidence: Both rely on evidence to be validated or supported.
  • Falsifiable: Both must be falsifiable, meaning they can be disproven by evidence.
  • Predictive Power: Make predictions that can be tested by further research.
  • Foundation for Research: Both serve as foundations for scientific research and experimentation.
  • Dynamic Nature: Can be refined or revised based on new evidence and findings.
  • Communication Tools: Used to communicate scientific ideas and findings to the broader community.
  • Guidance for Studies: Both provide direction for future studies and experiments.

Conclusion: Difference Between Hypothesis And Theory

In conclusion, while both hypotheses and theories are important to scientific inquiry, they differ significantly in their roles and stages. A hypothesis is an initial, testable proposition, while a theory is a well-substantiated explanation based on extensive evidence. Understanding these differences is essential for grasping the scientific method and the progression from questioning to comprehensive understanding.

FAQs on Difference Between Hypothesis And Theory

What is the main Difference between a Hypothesis and a Theory in Science?

A hypothesis is a guess based on limited evidence and theory is a well substantiated and comprehensive explanation that has extensive testing and research.

How do Hypotheses and Theories evolve in Science?

Hypotheses can evolve into theories when they are supported by a substantial evidence through repeated experiments and observations.

Can a Hypothesis become a Theory?

Yes, a hypothesis can develop into a theory when it contains significant evidence and is widely accepted within the scientific community. The process involves testing and validation.

Are Hypotheses less Important than Theories in Science?

No, both hypotheses and theories play crucial roles in scientific research. Hypotheses initiate investigations and guide experiments, theories provide a deep understanding of natural phenomena based on accumulated knowledge.

What Happens if a Hypothesis is not Supported by Evidence?

If a hypothesis is not supported by evidence from experiments or observations then it is either revised or rejected. This process of testing and modifying hypotheses is essential for scientific progress and accuracy.

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