Difference between Hardwired and Microprogrammed Control Unit

Control unit generates control signal using one of the two organizations: Hardwired Control Unit, Microprogrammed Control Unit. 

Hardwired Control Unit: 
It is implemented as logical circuit (gates, flip-flops, decoders etc.) in the hardware. This organization is very complicated if we have a large control unit. 

In this organization, if the design has to be modified or changed, requires changes in the wiring among the various components. Thus the modification of all the combinational circuits may be very difficult. 

Microprogrammed Control Unit: 
A microprogrammed control unit is implemented using programming approach. A sequence of micro-operations are carried out by executing a program consistingof micro-instructions. 

Micro-program, consisting of micro-instructions is stored in the control memory of the control unit. Execution of a micro-instruction is responsible for generation of a set of control signals. 

Difference between Hardwired and Microprogrammed Control Unit: 

1. Speed Speed is fast Speed is slow
2. Cost of Implementation More costlier. Cheaper.
3. Flexibility Not flexible to accommodate new system specification or new instruction redesign is required. More flexible to accommodate new system specification or new instruction sets.
4. Ability to Handle Complex Instructions Difficult to handle complex instruction sets. Easier to handle complex instruction sets.
5. Decoding Complex decoding and sequencing logic. Easier decoding and sequencing logic.
6. Applications RISC Microprocessor CISC Microprocessor
7. Instruction set of Size Small Large
8. Control Memory Absent Present
9. Chip Area Required Less More
10. Occurrence Occurrence of error is more Occurrence of error is less

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