Difference Between GMT And IST

Difference Between GMT And IST: GMT and IST are two distinct time zones, which are used to determine the local time at different places around the world. The time zone is a geographic region within which the same standard time is used. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is the time zone located at the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) in Greenwich, England. Indian Standard Time (IST) is the official time zone adopted by India. It has an offset of UTC +05:30, making it 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT. So Indian Standard Time is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

Table of Content

  • What is GMT?
  • What is IST?
  • Difference Between GMT and IST

What is GMT?

GMT, also known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) is calculated at the prime meridian (0° longitude) based on the mean solar time observed at the Royal Observatory. It averages out variations in the Earth’s rotation speed to provide a stable and consistent time reference. GMT has a fixed offset of UTC+00:00. This means that GMT is equivalent to UTC, with no variation throughout the year.

GMT serves as a global reference for timekeeping and is widely used in aviation, navigation, and international telecommunications. It is the standard against which other time zones are compared.

What is IST?

Indian Standard Time (IST) is the official time zone used in India. IST is calculated based on 82.5 degrees east longitude from the clock tower in Mirzapur. This longitude reference helps maintain a consistent time standard for the entire country. IST has a UTC offset of UTC+05:30, which means it is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

IST is the official time in India and is used across the country for all purposes, including government activities, transportation schedules, and daily life. It is also used in Sri Lanka.

Difference Between GMT and IST

The difference between GMT and IST is as follows:


Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

Indian Standard Time (IST)


The meridian passes through the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, London.

It passes through the middle of India near Allahabad.

Longitude Basis

Calculated at the Prime Meridian (0° longitude).

Calculated at 82.5° east longitude from the clock tower in Mirzapur.

Officially adopted on

GMT was officially adopted as the standard time at the International Meridian Conference held in Washington, D.C., in 1884.

IST was adopted as the standard time zone for India on January 1, 1906. Offically adopted on September 1, 1947.

Time Offset from UTC



Time Zone adopted by countries

Used internationally as a reference point for timekeeping worldwide

Offical timezone adopted by India and Sri Lanka.

Time Conversion

GMT = IST – 5 hours 30 minutes

IST = GMT + 5 hours 30 minutes

Daylight Saving Time (DST)

Not observed

Not observed


An issue associated with Greenwich Mean Time is that it doesn’t always align precisely with the Sun’s zenith or noon due to the Earth’s variable angular velocity in its elliptical orbit and its axial tilt. This can lead to deviations in timekeeping accuracy.

One issue with Indian Standard Time is that it spans a wide geographic area(68°7’E to 97°25’E), leading to significant variations in sunrise and sunset times within India, impacting daylight hours across different regions.

Summary – GMT vs IST

The difference between Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and Indian Standard Time (IST) lies in their locations, basis for calculation, and offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). GMT is centered at the Prime Meridian in Greenwich, London, with a fixed UTC offset of +00:00, serving as a global timekeeping reference. IST, adopted by India, is calculated at 82.5 degrees east longitude and has a UTC offset of +05:30, making it 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT. Despite their significant role in global time standards, GMT faces challenges aligning precisely with the Sun’s zenith, while IST spans a wide geographic area, resulting in variations in sunrise and sunset times across India. Both time zones do not observe Daylight Saving Time.

FAQs on Difference Between GMT And IST

1. What is the time difference between GMT and IST?

The time difference between GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) and IST (Indian Standard Time) is 5 hours and 30 minutes, with IST being ahead of GMT.

2. What is GMT, and where is it located?

GMT, or Greenwich Mean Time, is a time standard located at the Prime Meridian (0° longitude) in Greenwich, London, UK.

3. How do you calculate GMT to IST?

To convert GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) to IST (Indian Standard Time), add 5 hours and 30 minutes to the GMT time. IST = GMT + 5 hours 30 minutes.

4. What is GMT 5.30 mean?

GMT+5:30 means that the local time is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). It’s the time offset used in the Indian Standard Time (IST) zone.

5. How does GMT relate to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)?

GMT is often used interchangeably with UTC. They are very close in time, with GMT being a time scale based on Earth’s rotation and UTC being an atomic time scale. They differ by a fraction of a second.

6. Do GMT and IST observe Daylight Saving Time (DST)?

Neither GMT nor IST observe Daylight Saving Time, which means their time offsets remain constant throughout the year.

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