Difference Between Firebase and Firestore


 It is a Backend-as-a-Service that offers developers a way to build, manage, set up their functions with ease. It is brought through Google and offers a sufficient amount of services for IOS, Android, and Unity. It offers cloud storage & also helps developers to construct their apps quicker and in a more secure way. No programming is required on the firebase side which makes it convenient to use its elements more efficiently. It makes use of NoSQL for the database for the storage of data.

It has a number of features that make this very useful. These features consist of limitless reporting, cloud messaging, authentication, etc. It can keep and sync app information in real-time. It lets us discover customized audiences in a console that is based totally on the custom event, system data, or user properties. With the help of this, one can combine this platform with different offerings that can make use of our enterprise apps. It also permits us to obtain messages reliably through platforms and also permits us to customize our app.

Its pricing plans are available in 2 types in which one is free and the other is paid which depends on pay for the service you are using.


 It is a NoSQL database developed by means of Google which has received huge popularity. It has been designed to supply a better developer experience and simplify the development process. It is an effective tool for storing data. It is designed to work with the real-time database, with the help of Firestore doesn’t imply leaving behind the real-time database however you’ll probably discover it’s better for most tasks.

It has a data model that is flexible and supports a hierarchical data structure that stores information in the document, which is prepared into a collection. In this, the files can also have complicated nested objects instead of sub-collections. It can also be used for querying & retrieving individual files. It makes use of data synchronization for updating information on any linked device. It makes the app write, query, and pay attention to the information even when the system is offline. When the system comes in an online mode, with the help of cloud it synchronizes the local modifications again to it.

 It offers a paid plan based on some variables like Bandwidth, Database storage, Number of transactions.

Difference between Firebase and Firestore:

S. No. Firebase Firestore
1. It is a BaaS Service. It is an alternative to Firebase.
2. It offers only basic transaction operations. It offers a variety of transaction operations.
3. It provides offline support which is limited. It provides advance offline support to its clients.
4. In this, it is difficult to organize & store data as compared to Firestore. In this, it is much easier to organize & store data as compared to Firebase.
5. It can detect whether the client is online or not. It cannot detect whether the client is online or not.
6. There is no need for an index in a query.  There is a need for an index in the query.
7. It does not have many advanced features for queries. It has advanced features for queries.
8. It is less scalable than Firestore. It is more scalable than Firebase.

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