Difference between E-commerce and M-commerce

Introduction :

E-commerce, or electronic commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods and services online using the internet. This can include transactions between businesses, between businesses and consumers, and between consumers themselves. E-commerce has grown rapidly over the last few decades and has become an important part of the global economy.

M-commerce, or mobile commerce, is a subset of e-commerce that refers specifically to transactions conducted using mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. M-commerce includes not only online purchases made through mobile devices, but also mobile payments, mobile banking, and other transactions facilitated by mobile technology.

Both e-commerce and m-commerce have become increasingly important in recent years as more and more people have gained access to the internet and mobile devices. They offer numerous benefits, including convenience, flexibility, and access to a wider range of products and services. However, they also present new challenges and risks, such as security concerns and the need to adapt to changing technology and consumer preferences.

1. E-commerce : The process of buying and selling products or services over the Internet by using electronic mode is called as E-commerce. It refers to Electronic commerce. Generally e-commerce activities are performed with the help of desktop computers and laptops, so users have to look for a place to do their transactions. It is broad term which refers doing shopping and making payments online with help of electronic devices like Laptop and computers. 

Examples of E-commerce includes Amazon, Flipkart, Quikr, Olx websites. 

2. M-commerce : The process of buying and selling products or services over the internet by using wireless handheld devices is called as M-commerce. It refers to Mobile Commerce. M-commerce implies the use of Mobile devices for shopping activities and making business transactions anywhere they go they can do this with just internet connectivity. It is subcategory of ecommerce which does the same this via mobile devices.

 Examples of M-commerce includes mobile banking like paytm, in-app purchasing Amazon mobile app. 
Difference between E-commerce and M-commerce :

S.No. E-commerce M-commerce
01. Electronic Commerce in short it is called as e-commerce. Mobile Commerce in short it is called as m-commerce.
02. In general, e-commerce activities are performed with the help of desktop computers and laptops. M-commerce activities are performed with the help of mobile devices like smartphones, tablets, PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistant) etc.
03. E-commerce is an older concept. M-commerce is an newer concept.
04. It is broad term which refers doing shopping and making payments online with help of electronic devices like Laptop and computers. It is subcategory of ecommerce which does the same this via mobile devices.
05. In e-commerce the use of internet is mandatory But in case of m-commerce some activities can be performed without internet also.
06. E-commerce devices are not easy to carry and portability point of view it is not so good. M-commerce devices are easy to carry and portability point of view it is good.
07. E-commerce developed in 1970’s. M-commerce developed in 1990’s.
08. Its reachability is comparatively low than the m-commerce as it is not so good in portability. Its reachability is more than that of e-commerce only due to the use of mobile devices.
09. In e-commerce location tracking capabilities are limited due to the non-portability of devices. In m-commerce location tracking capabilities is so good as mobile apps track and identify user locations with the help of GPS technology, Wi-Fi, and so on.
10. E-commerce fails in push notification. In m-commerce push notification can be achieved.
11. E-commerce is conducted using desktop or laptop computers. M-commerce is conducted using mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.
12. E-commerce typically requires a stable internet connection and a computer. M-commerce allows consumers to shop and make purchases from anywhere
13 E-commerce transactions typically rely on credit cards and other traditional payment methods.  M-commerce offers a wider range of payment options, including mobile wallets and contactless payments.
14. Examples of E-commerce includes Amazon, Flipkart, Quikr, Olx websites. Examples of M-commerce includes mobile banking like paytm, in-app purchasing Amazon mobile app.

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