Difference between Device Drivers and User Applications

Driver or Device Driver is software that helps in communication between the Operating System and the different hardware of the computer. They act as intermediaries so that computers can send or receive data from the hardware devices. They control the hardware that is attached to the computer. The drivers make sure that the interaction goes smoothly. Since drivers are software, they are written in low-level languages. 

Types of Drivers

  1. Kernel-mode Device Driver: It executes in kernel mode as a part of the kernel-mode operating system components that manage input-output operations, threads, security.
  2. User-mode Device Driver: The devices that are brought by users also require drivers in order to function. These drivers are known as user-mode device drivers.

User Applications are also known as Application Software, is special software that is created for a user’s specific purpose. The user applications communicate with the end-users directly. These applications are designed to perform specific functions or a group of functions. These softwares are developed in high-level languages. There are different types of User applications like web browser, word processor, spreadsheet, graphics software etc. 

Following is a table of differences between Device Drivers and User Applications:


Device Drivers

User Applications

1. It is an intermediary between the operating system and hardware. These are designed for users for specific purposes. 
2. It is coded in low-level languages.  It is coded in high-level languages. 
3. Their role is to control the hardware.  Their role is to perform a specific task that is needed by users. 
4. There are two types: Kernel mode and User mode.  There are many types: Web Browser, Presentation software, Word Processor etc. 
5. Examples of device drivers: USB Drivers, Floppy Drives etc.  Examples of user applications: Microsoft Word, MS Excel. 

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