Difference between DAS and NAS

1. Directly Attached Storage (DAS) :
The storage device which is permanently attached to a desktop computer. DAS is for a single user (Hard drive attached to a computer). DAS is well suited for a small-to-medium sized business where sufficient amounts of storage can be configured at a low startup cost. The DAS enclosure will be a separate adjacent cabinet that contains the additional disk drives.

Component of Directly Attached Storage (DAS) –

1. Storage devices
2. Cables
3. Disk Array
4. Protocol
5. Storage protocols: ATA, SCSI, SAS, SASA, FC 

2. Network Attached Storage (NAS) :
This Storage Device is attached on the Local Area Network and used for sharing of data among different users attached to the Local Area Network. Instead of accessing data at the sector level, users can access information on file level over the network. This NAS system is having its own file system, which is once set with proper configuration of NAS and is not dependent upon the operating system of computers from which it is connected. This type of network requires a medium for attaching with several computers. File sharing protocols like NFS, AFP, or CIFS provide access to files in a network.

Components of Network Attached Storage (NAS) –

1. Head unit: CPU, Memory
2. Network Interface Card (NIC)
3. Optimized operating system
4. Protocols
5. Storage protocols: ATA, SCSI, FC  

Difference between DAS and NAS :

1. DAS stands for Direct Access Storage. NAS stands for Network Attached Storage.
2. For backups and recovery, Sectors are used. For backups and recovery, Files are used.
3. It is easy to install. It is moderate to install.
4. DAS is not complex. NAS is complex than DAS.
5. It is less expensive. It is expensive than DAS.
6. For data transmission, IDE/SCSI is used. For data transmission, TCP/IP, Ethernet is used.
7. Its capacity in bytes is 10^9. Its capacity in bytes is 10^9 to 10^12.
8. It does not allow to share files at different operating system. It allows to share files at different operating system.

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