Difference between CORBA and DCOM

CORBA and DCOM are two middleware solutions for handling distributed objects. These solutions provide better commanding over distributed computing objects but the question is which technology is to be made as standard. Let us see the detailed comparison between them.

1. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) :
The Common Object Request Broker Architecture is a detailed specification for the distributed objects. It was introduced by the OMG (Object Management Group). The architecture describes a language with a platform-independent object bus named as ORB (Object Request Broker). These advance the objects to make the request and receive a response from the remote objects transparently. This also supports handling concurrency and handling exceptions.

2. Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) :
The distributed component object model was introduced by Microsoft with its Window NT as a bundle package. DCOM was used with Internet Explorer present inside Windows and it was expected to attract the developers for using what they have rather than buying. DCOM is also an object bus that helps the specification of object interfaces and invoking dynamic object exports that supports distributed environment. This supports sharing if code and requires the shared code to be declared using an object interface.

Differences between CORBA and DCOM :

Introduced by It was introduced by Object Management Group It was introduced by Microsoft
Focuses on This focus on Enterprise first and then Desktop This focus on Desktop first and then Enterprise
Platforms It is available on Unix, Windows and Macintosh. It is available with Windows NT and Full support with all versions of Windows, Unix and Macintosh
Object Implementation Various languages are supported as long as IDL can mapped to this language Many languages are supported as Java, COBOL, C++, and Delphi but specification is done with binary language
Client/Server Interface Interface at Client side is stub and Server side is skeleton Interface at Client side is proxy and Server side is stub
Object Activation and Location Here Object Adapter is used for activation and ORB is used for location Here SCM (Service Control Manager) is used for activation and location
Inheritance Supports inheritance with interface level when every interface is inherited from CORBA object. Supports multiple inheritance when object implements IUnknown interface.
Garbage Collection It does not provide general purpose Distributed Garbage Collection It provides general purpose Distributed Garbage Collection through pinging the wire.
Exception Handling The care is taken by Exception objects Exception are thrown out to HRESULT and for other exceptions ISupportErrorInfo interface has to be implemented
Availability It is available by multiple vendors It is available via single vendor

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