Difference between COAP and MQTT protocols

1. Constrained Application Protocol (COAP): The constrained application protocol is a client server-based protocol. With this protocol, the COAP packet can be shared between different client nodes which are commanded by the COAP server. The server is responsible to share the information depending on its logic but has not acknowledged it. This is used with the applications which support the state transfer model. 

2. Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT): The message query telemetry transport protocol is a communication-based protocol that is used for IoT devices. This protocol is based on the publish-subscribe methodology in which clients receive the information through a broker only to the subscribed topic. A broker is a mediator who categorizes messages into labels before being delivered. 

Difference between COAP and MQTT protocols: 

Basis of COAP MQTT
Abbreviation Constrained Application Protocol Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
Communication Type It uses Request-Response model. It uses Publish-Subscribe model
Messaging Mode This uses both Asynchronous and Synchronous. This uses only Asynchronous
Transport layer protocol This mainly uses User Datagram protocol(UDP) This mainly uses Transmission Control protocol(TCP)
Header size It has 4 bytes sized header It has 2 bytes sized header
RESTful based Yes it uses REST principles No it does not uses REST principles
Persistence support It does not has such support It supports and best used for live data communication
Message Labelling It provides by adding labels to the messages. It has no such feature.
Usability/Security It is used in Utility area networks and has secured mechanism. It is used in IoT applications and is secure
Effectiveness Effectiveness in LNN is excellent. Effectiveness in LNN is low.
Communication Model Communication model is one-one. Communication model is many-many.

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