Difference Between Chromatin And Chromosomes

Chromatin and Chromosomes are two forms of DNA found in different stages of the human body’s cells. DNA is wrapped around histone proteins which results in the formation of a nucleosome. Multiple nucleosomes join together to form chromatin. It is the least condensed form of DNA.

A chromosome, on the other hand, is the most condensed structure of the DNA double helix found inside the nucleus. The DNA in chromosomes is coiled around nuclear proteins and histones, allowing the DNA to be condensed.

Table of Content

  • Difference Between Chromatin and Chromosomes 
  • What is Chromatin?
  • What are Chromosomes?

Difference Between Chromatin and Chromosomes

The difference between chromatin and chromosomes are as follows:

Characteristics Chromatin Chromosome
Definition It is made up of DNA, RNA and special proteins. These proteins are called histones. A highly compact form of DNA ound wrapped around histone proteins.
Presence It is present throughout the cell cycle. It is clearly visible and found during cell division as highly condensed structures.
Visibility Chromatin is visualized through an Electron microscope. A Chromosome is visualized through a Light microscope.
Appearance It is long,thin and threadlike and is usually extended It is compact, thick, and rod shaped. It is found during cell division.
Pairs It is unpaired. It exists in pairs.
Functions It helps in gene regulation and gene expression.

Chromosomes help in the segregation of the gene pool and also store genetic information.

Observable It can be seen in the Interphase stage of the cell cycle . It is seen in the M-phase or nuclear division.
DNA packaging DNA is packed loosely, allowing Transcription. DNA is tightly packed, preventing Transcription.

What is Chromatin?

Chromatin is a vital element of a cell’s nucleus, it is essential for the storage, access, and control of genetic information. It is a complicated structure made up of DNA that has been wrapped up in unique proteins called Histones. The combination of DNA and histones results in a dynamic and flexible substance that resembles beads strung together.

What are Chromosomes?

The distinguishable elements of the cell, renowned for their distinctive appearance throughout cell division, are the chromosomes. They are essential for the organisation, storage, and transmission of genetic information in all living things.


In conclusion, chromatin acts as a bridge between the DNA that makes up the genetic building blocks and the meticulously ordered chromosomes that are visible during cell division. Untangling the complexity of gene regulation and cellular function requires an understanding of chromatin.

Chromatin and chromosome are two forms of DNA double-helix structures that arise in distinct stages of the cell. The primary distinction between chromatin and chromosome is in their density and role during the cell cycle.

In conclusion, chromosomes are the hereditary information’s carriers and ensure that it is distributed correctly during cell division. They are essential to the functioning of living things as well as to inheritance and development.

FAQs on Chromatin and Chromosome

1. What do you understand by the term ‘Chromosome’?


A chromosome is a highly condensed structure found in the nucleus of cells during Mitosis that carries genetic information in the form of genes. DNA, proteins, and RNA are all present within the chromosome.

2. How many Number of Chromosomes do Humans possess?


Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, and thus a total of 46 chromosomes. This includes 22 pairs of Autosomes (non-sex chromosomes) and one pair of Sex chromosomes (X and Y).

3. List few Functions of the Chromatin in the body.


Numerous cellular functions, including DNA replication, transcription, DNA repair, genetic recombination, and cell division, are made possible by chromatin.

4. What is the Difference between Chromosome and Chromatin?


Chromatin is the relaxed and dispersed DNA-protein complex in nucleus, important for gene regulation. Chromosomes are condensed and visible structures formed from chromatin during cell division, they ensure accurate DNA distribution to daughter cells.

5. How are Chromosomes and Chromatin related?


Chromatin is the condensed and organized form of DNA, which is wrapped around histone proteins to create a compact structure. Chromosomes are essentially highly condensed chromatin structures.

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