Difference between CentOS and Ubuntu

1. CentOS :
CentOS is a Linux distribution developed by the CentOS Project. It was initially released on 14 May 2004. It provides us with Red Hat Enterprise Linux which is a free and Community-supported computing platform functionally compatible with its upstream source. It is based on Fedora.

2. Ubuntu :
Ubuntu is a Linux based Operating System and was developed by a team “Canonical” lead by Mark Shuttleworth. It belongs to the Debian family of Linux. It is open-source and it is freely available for use. The term “ubuntu” is derived from an African word meaning ‘humanity to others’. The Chinese version of Ubuntu is used for running the world’s fastest supercomputer. Google’s self-driving car uses the stripped version of ubuntu.

Difference between CentOS and Ubuntu :

S.NO. CentOS Ubuntu
1. CentOS was developed by the CentOS Project (affiliated with Red Hat). Ubuntu is developed by Canonical.
2. It is based on Fedora. It is a Debian based OS.
3. It was initially released on 12 April 2007. It was initially released in October 2004.
4. Its origin was in the USA. Its origin was in the Isle of Man.
5. It uses yum package manager. It uses apt package manager.
6. It is more stable as compared to Ubuntu. It is less stable as compared to CentOS.
7. Good for businesses Good for beginners
8. Github repository for centOS is
Github repository of Ubuntu is
9. The forum of CentOS is
 The forum for Ubuntu is
10. It comes with native KVM virtualization support. It supports KVM and Xen virtualization.

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