Difference between CD and DVD

CD stands for Compact Disc was the primary step towards the thought of digital coding of the info. It uses a novel methodology of coding within which a 14-bit code indicates a computer memory unit and this coding technique conjointly helps in error detection. it had been an acceptable replacement for the memory device because it offered the low-priced answer for storing a big quantity of knowledge. DVD stands for Digital Versatile Disk provides another for the videotape utilized in tape recorder (Video container Recorder) and fixed storage utilized in computer because the videodisc will acquire seven times larger quantity of the info relative to CD. It renders videos with wonderful image quality and random access. A videodisc is constructed from a similar material because the CD however the method and therefore the layers area unit completely different, it’s used from each of the edges like 2 CDs area unit projected along. In DVD, RS-PC and EFMplus are used as the error correction codes. There are few differences between CD and DVD, which are given below:

1. The acquire size of CD is 700 MB. While the acquire size of DVD is 4.7 GB to 17 GB.
2. In CD, the recording or metal layer is situated on the top of disk. While in DVD, the recording or metal layer is situated in middle of disk.
3. There is only single pit layer in CD. While there are double layers of pits in DVD.
4. In CD, there is 1.6 micrometer space between the spiral’s loops. While in DVD, there is 0.74 micrometer space between the spiral’s loops.
5. A CD holds the 0.834 micrometer space between the pits. While it holds the 0.4 micrometer space between the pits.
6. In CD, CIRC and EFMP are used as the error correction codes. While In DVD, RS-PC and EFMplus are used as the error correction codes.
7. There can cause the damage in metal layer after the Removal of the adhesive labels, in CD. While there is caused the imbalance in the spin after the Removal of the adhesive labels, in DVD.
8. In CD, the data transfer rate is 1.4 MB to 1.6 MB/sec. While in DVD, the data transfer rate is 11 MB/sec.
9. The channel bit length in Cd is 300 nanometer. While the channel bit length in DVD is 113 nanometer which is less than CD’s channel bit length.
10. The numeric aperture of CD is 0.45. While the numeric aperture of DVD is 0.6.
11. The thickness of CD is 1.2 mm. While the thickness of DVD is 0.6 mm.

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