Difference between Cassandra and RDBMS

Cassandra: Cassandra is a high-performance and highly scalable distributed NoSQL database management system. Cassandra deals with unstructured data and handles a high volume of incoming data velocity. In Cassandra data is written in many locations also data come from many locations this row represents a unit of replication and the column represents a unit of storage. 

RDBMS: Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) is a Database management system or software that is designed for relational databases and uses Structured Query Language (SQL) for querying and maintaining the database. It deals with structured data and handles moderate incoming data velocity. In RDBMS mainly data is written in one location also data come from one/few locations and a row represents a single record column that represents an attribute. 

Difference between Cassandra and RDBMS:

1. Cassandra is a high performance and highly scalable distributed NoSQL database management system. RDBMS is a Database management system or software which is designed for relational databases.
2. Cassandra is a NoSQL database. RDBMS uses SQL for querying and maintaining the database.
3. It deals with unstructured data. It deals with structured data.
4. It has a flexible schema. It has fixed schema.
5. Cassandra has peer-to-peer architecture with no single point of failure. RDBMS has master-slave core architecture means a single point of failure.
6. Cassandra handles high volume incoming data velocity. RDBMS handles moderate incoming data velocity.
7. In RDBMS there is limited data source means data come from many locations. In Cassandra there are various data source means data come from one/few location.
8. It supports simple transactions. It supports complex and nested transactions.
9. In Cassandra the outermost container is Keyspace. In RDBMS the outermost container is database.
10. Cassandra follows decentralized deployments. RDBMS follows centralized deployments.
11. In Cassandra data written in many locations. In RDBMS mainly data are written in one location.
12. In Cassandra row represents a unit of replication. In RDBMS row represents a single record.
13. In Cassandra column represents a unit of storage. In RDBMS column represents an attribute.
14. In Cassandra, relationships are represented using collections. In RDBMS relationships are represented using keys and join etc.

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