Difference between Bridge and Gateway

Prerequisite – Network Devices Bridge: Bridge is a network device which works in data link layer. Bridge connects two different LAN working on same protocol. Also In bridge, format of packet is not changed. 
Gateway: Gateway works in OSI model’s all layer. It converts the protocol. Gateway will settle for and transfer the packet across networks employing a completely different protocol. In gateway, format of packet is changed which oppose to the bridge
Now, we shall discuss the difference between bridge and gateway:

S.NO Bridge Gateway
1. Bridge works in data link layer. While it works in all layer.
2. Bridge connects two different LANs. While it converts the protocol.
3. Bridge connects two different LAN working on same protocol. While gateway will settle for and transfer the packet across networks employing a completely different protocol.
4. In bridge, data or information is in the form of packet. Whereas in gateway, data or information is also in the form of packet.
5. In bridge, format of packet is not changed. While in gateway, format of packet is changed.
6. Bridge is not installed in router. While it installed in router.

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