Difference between ARP and RARP

In Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), Receiver’s MAC address is fetched. Through ARP, (32-bit) IP address mapped into (48-bit) MAC address. Whereas, In Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), IP address is fetched through server. Through RARP, (48-bit) MAC address of 48 bits mapped into (32-bit) IP address. 

Let us see that the difference between ARP and RARP that are as follows: 

A protocol used to map an IP address to a physical (MAC) address A protocol used to map a physical (MAC) address to an IP address
To obtain the MAC address of a network device when only its IP address is known To obtain the IP address of a network device when only its MAC address is known
Client broadcasts its IP address and requests a MAC address, and the server responds with the corresponding MAC address Client broadcasts its MAC address and requests an IP address, and the server responds with the corresponding IP address
IP addresses MAC addresses
Widely used in modern networks to resolve IP addresses to MAC addresses Rarely used in modern networks as most devices have a pre-assigned IP address
ARP stands for Address Resolution Protocol. Whereas RARP stands for Reverse Address Resolution Protocol.
Through ARP, (32-bit) IP address mapped into (48-bit) MAC address. Whereas through RARP, (48-bit) MAC address of 48 bits mapped into (32-bit) IP address.
In ARP, broadcast MAC address is used. While in RARP, broadcast IP address is used.
In ARP, ARP table is managed or maintained by local host. While in RARP, RARP table is managed or maintained by RARP server.
In Address Resolution Protocol, Receiver’s MAC address is fetched. While in RARP, IP address is fetched.
In ARP, ARP table uses ARP reply for its updation. While in RARP, RARP table uses RARP reply for configuration of IP addresses .
Hosts and routers uses ARP for knowing the MAC address of other hosts and routers in the networks. While RARP is used by small users having less facilities.
ARP is used in sender’s side to map the receiver’s MAC address. RARP is used in receiver’s side to map the sender’s IP.

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