Difference between app.get() and app.post() in Express.js.

In ExpressJS, app.get() and app.post() are two different methods used to handle HTTP requests but for different purposes.

app.get() in ExpressJS:

app.get() is used to handle incoming GET requests. GET requests are commonly used for fetching data from the server. For example, when you open a website in your browser, you are making a GET request to retrieve the webpage.

app.post() in ExpressJS:

app.post() is used to handle incoming POST requests. POST requests are typically used when you want to submit data to the server. For example, when you fill out a form on a website and click submit, it often sends a POST request to the server with the form data.

Difference between app.get() and app.post() in ExpressJS:



app.get() is used to handle GET requests, typically for retrieving data from the server.

app.post() is used to handle POST requests, commonly used for submitting data to the server.

app.get() parameters are usually included in the URL (query parameters).

app.post() allows sending data in the request body, often used for form submissions.

app.get() responses are often cached by browsers, as they are considered safe and idempotent (repeated requests yield the same result).

app.post() responses are not cached by default, as they are often used for operations that can change the server state.

app.get() requests are visible in the URL, making them suitable for bookmarking or sharing.

app.post() requests have their data in the request body, which is not directly visible in the URL.

app.get() requests are generally considered safer and less prone to misuse.

app.post() requests are often used for operations that modify data on the server and may require additional security measures.


app.get() is for getting or fetching data from the server, and app.post() is for sending or submitting data to the server. The choice between them depends on the type of operation you want to perform.

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