Difference between Anime and Cartoon

Anime and cartoons both are really popular for entertaining people through different platforms but people are really confused between these two terms, so let’s understand the meaning of both of these in their classic sense.

Anime is also understood as a visual representation of real-world objects or things but it provides semi-realistic touch to these objects or characters. Characters of anime are generally equivalent to humans in respect of their design.

Cartoons can be defined as a visual representation of anything like a real-world character, objects and environments. These things are represented in an artistic form which is non-realistic in nature, one can easily identify these by their unusual designs.

Below is a table of differentiation between Cartoons and Anime:




1. The concept of cartoons came from the United States of America. The concept of Anime came from Japan.
2. A cartoon is non-realistic visual representation of real-world objects and characters. Anime is semi-realistic visual representation of real-world objects and characters.
3. Cartoons episodes are of short duration say 5 to 10 minutes.  Anime episodes are of nearly 20 to 25 minutes long and are generally in series form.
4. Each episode is independent, does not link with other episodes. Episodes are linked to each other and follow a certain chronology.
5. Cartoons are generally humorous in nature.  Anime focuses on concepts that are centered on human emotions.
6. It has been in use for a long time like 2D sketches It first came into existence around 1980
7. Example: Tom and Jerry Example: Naruto, Death Note 

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