Difference Between 8 Bit and 16 Bit Music

Music is described in the form of waves. By varying the amplitude periodically, it can generate a frequency which is called a tone. It is just a sound effect. It has an amplitude and generates a frequency. It has 8 – bit music and 16-bit music.

8 – bit music

It refers to any number in the form of binary from 0 to 255. It is used to create tracks for ancient video games. It is synthesized electronic music made with sound chips or synthesizers found in computers, machines, and video games.

 It is also called “Chiptune” or “Chipmusic”. It is created using either a Programmable Sound Generator (PSGs). It has values up to 256.


  • It is more simple.
  • It is more useful for individuals who are creating electronic gadgets that require basic sound capabilities.
  • It has the capability to reduce the number of pieces.
  • It has less cost.
  • It has a smaller file size.


  • It is not enough to capture most of the recordings.
  • It has more errors.
  • It has lesser accuracy.

16 – bit music:

It refers to any number in the form of binary from 0 to 65535. It is a sound quality that is utilized for digital audio recordings. It runs an application like Music Demo that plays MODs. 

It is created in real-time from recorded waveforms. It has values up to 65536.


  • It has more capacity.
  • The cost is low.
  • It is readily available in the market.
  • It has permanent storage.


  • It has limitations of size.
  • They are not completely secure.
  • It is harder to implement and has a larger file size.

Difference between 8-bit music and 16-bit music:

S.no 8-bit music 16-bit music
1. It is used to create tracks for ancient video games. It is a sound quality that is utilized for digital audio recordings.
2. It refers to any number in the form of binary from 0 to 255.  It refers to any number in the form of binary from 0 to 65535.
3. It has values up to 256 It has values up to 65536.
4. It has a lesser sound. It has more sound.
5. The file size is smaller  The file size is larger.
6. It has more errors. It has fewer errors
7. It has lesser accuracy  It has more accuracy.
8. It is simple to implement  It is harder to implement.
9. Ex: Nintendo, Gameboy Ex: CD Players.
10. It is also called Chiptune or Chipmusic. It is also called Tracked or Tracker music.
11. It has a frequency range of 2kHz to 10kHz. It has a frequency range of 44.1kHz.
12. Its dynamic range is 42dB. Its dynamic range is 96dB.
13. It is synthesized electronic music made with sound chips or synthesizers found in computers, machines, and videogames It runs an application like Music Demo that plays MODs. It is created in real-time from recorded waveforms.

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